(4wd @ Jul. 22 2007,12:09) What kind of fuel mileage do you all get? I filled my first tank 150 miles last night and got 38.5 MPG, mostly up and down RPM's breakin miles. The gauge really drops fast after 1/2 full. 'Bout 50 miles to the red zone. I burn E-10 which is 89 octane. Regular dinosaur gas is 87.
Also, I was thinking of getting a GIPRO gear indicator. I'm tired of trying to hit 7th. Might bend the shifter lever. Have any of you noticed a fuel economy drop when adding that unit? And which is better? the blue readout or red?
This Hayabusa is one smooth running motorcycle. I think my speedometer is off, as 100 MPH indicated feels like 70 MPH.