Hey Johnny C?? Or any with half of his knowledge!


Johnny, I rebalanced my front tire again, did a run out on the wheel and rotors, checked the torque on the front axle, and check the bearings, everything is perfect, the steering head feels really tight, I still have a wobble in the bars at about 45 to 65 mph. Checked tire pressure, tried different pressures no change.

Today I put my original front tire back on(only 3000 miles on it) re balanced it, it took exactly the same amount of weight as the other tire in exactly the same spot on the wheel. Bike still wobbles!!! Not as bad but definetly a wobble in the bars at 45-60 mph. Most noticeable if you take your hands off of the bars at about 50mph and let it coast. Any ideas on what to do now??

I called some of the local dealers and they think the wheel is bent. The wheel is perfect. We watched the tire while spinning it while the bike was on the stand, its perfect. I can get it in next week but I REALLY DONT WANT TO take it to a dealer. You think the steering head needs adjustment, it has no play in it whatsoever. I am missing a lot of track days!!!!! HELP!

PS my wheel is chromed but it did not do this at first with the chrome wheels.The back has a new and balanced tire too, both are OEM BT56j tires. I appreciate help from anyone!!!!
No, I merely line the axle blocks up with the notches on the swing arm. I didnt have any porblems until my front valve stem blew out. I put fix a flat in the tire to get me to the shop. At the shop they just broke the bead at the stem and stuck in a new stem with out ever even removing the wheel. The bike was fine and didnt have any noticeable problems. I rode it easy for about 200 miles. Once I started running it hard it would vibrate at about 115mph. I took it to the shop, upon removal of the tire there was a whole can of fix a flat still in there, still liquid. We cleaned it all out, rebalanced it. NOW I have a slow speed wobble instead of high speed vibration. I have checked everything but the neck. WE double checked the balance, it was within a .25 ounce. I even put another tire on the front today, its a little better but still wobbles from 45-65mph. One tire has 700 miles and the old one(which is on there now)has 3000 miles. Its better the the new one but still not right. The wheel and brakes are true and the tire/wheel combo zero out on the balancer every time. I hope someone here has had this problem and can help me. I am ready for the track friday if I get this fixed.
I think the steering stzem bearings need adjusting you need to do it by the book and you need a fish type scale that weighs grams 200-500
ZXALAN,I had a RF900 do the same thing turned out to be the rear tire out of balance and after riding on it for a while in that state(no balance)the tread was worn so that with a new balance on the rear it still had the same problem.Try new rear tire.
Good idea cisco but I dont have access to another set of Busa wheels and tires. That would definetly narrow the problem though. I took it to a dealer today. We'll see how good they are.
Well Pappa, I really appreciate the offer but I took it to Stubbs this morning. I hated to but.... I hope to get it back by this Sat. I want to fine tune My PS3 and go play. You going to Coney Island sat night??
I'll be there with or without the bike. I just like to go talk bike **** with other Bad A$$ES ;)
won't make it saturday night...gotta work the speedway and usually don't finish until 1-2 am. if i can get any of my ***** friends to go ride, i would like to make james coney friday night after work. went down a new road last weekend...2004 by the dog track...goes from 45 to 288...looooooong straights with some fast sweepers and hardly any traffic...you interested in a sunday am or early afternoon ride down 2004???...if you get your bike back in time???
I watched them balance the rear tire and after applying the weights it was still .25 oz off. They said that would be fine and .25 oz is not enough to effect anything, especially on the rear., Although come to think about it I did not have any of this until I recently put my back wheel back on after a rechroming. I am going to take it to the dealer. I HATE TO TAKE IT TO DEALERS!but I guess I don't have a choice, I am tired of spending money on this stupid $hit!! Thanks for any more suggeswtions though.
If you have a friend that has a Hayabusa also and you have the tools and jack stands I would swap tire/rims with your buddy and test ride your bike and have your buddy test ride his bike, Start with the rear wheel first. Now if both bikes ride good than I would say it was the rear wheel adjustment. If yours ride bad then swap out the front wheels between both bikes and now you will have both of your buds wheels on your bike,test ride again and if you still have problems it could be your front end heads/tubes. Oh ya check your front tubes and make sure both tubes have the correct amount of fluid in them. Good Luck