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Kerberos the way you came back was by using racial slurs that were directed toward the "STUNNAH"...And that is simply something that I cannot afford to tolerate...

So there's no need for you to try and mask your statements...Anyone who has a true belief in bigotry can't hide forever...

You can't be luke warm, it's either hot or cold...You can't praise God and worship Satan...

You are clueless to the harm you have done...Cities have burned and lives have been lost because of twisted minds as yours...

I don't mind a go roasting...A good war of words...A haha you got me, a haha I got you...Those things we could laugh about later and other's would laugh with us...

I run nor hide from any man, nor do I have a fear of any man...

But you let your prejudice overwhelm you and that may be accepted by some but not by me...

This is the second time a confrontation of words has developed between us and both times you resorted to slurs...You need to open your mind fool...

So #@!$ you!!!!!
To be perfectly honest, I did not take anything that Kerbie said as being racist. The only part of the conversation that I didn't care too much for was when he started using "BOY" in reference to Stunnah. When talking directly to someone, no matter the race, that word sounds awkard. As an African-American, I take the use of the word "BOY" the same as I would as if someone had called me the "N" word. The word "BOY" is synonymous to the days of slavery, especially when whites refer to blacks. This thread is real hard to read into. Are they really serious, or is it playful teasing? My guess is that it may have started out as fun, but it may be slowly heading toward ill feelings. Just my .02

Why not some "YOUR MAMA IS SO FAT..." jokes?

Why not some "YOUR MAMA IS SO FAT..." jokes?


I was pissed from the start...When I opened this thread I felt it could be just a joking war of words...But the inferences have not stopped, they are even being defended...

I ask you not to take a position regarding this thread...

This is not the first time Kerberos and I have battled, but it always has the same result from him...

And I simply refuse to accept his language...When I say "#### Him" that's what I really mean...
Hey Stun.......

Hey bud, I understand why your pissed. And everyone who reads this thread can already see that you have defended yourself well. Now I'm asking you as a bud to turn the other cheek. You got nothing to prove at this point.
Hey Stun.......

Hey bud, I understand why your pissed.  And everyone who reads this thread can already see that you have defended yourself well.  Now I'm asking you as a bud to turn the other cheek.  You got nothing to prove at this point.

I have everything to prove...I refuse to submit to his ignorance...

I haven't defended myself nor my statements...As usual I challenged Kerberos and as usual this is his response...

I have spoken with anger and aggression and will continue to do so if warranted...

Several members have viewed this thread and have chosen to remain nuetral by not posting...And that has probably been a wise choice...

Turn the other cheek...HELL NO...STAND AND FIGHT, HELL YES!!!!

No one on this board doubts your ability to defend yourself or do what is necessary.  However, I contend that arguing with Kerbie is like wrestling with a pig.  You get muddy and the pig is having fun!   Unless you can physically get in the ring with the guy, all you're doing is frustrating yourself.  

My brother use to start arguments when we were kids just because he enjoyed arguing.  I never realized till we got older that it was the arguing he enjoyed, not whether he had a good point or not.  The more we argued, the more fun he had and all I did was get more and more frustrated because he wouldn't listen to logic.  He was feeding on my frustration and having a great time doing it.

No one on this board doubts your ability to defend yourself or do what is necessary.  However, I contend that arguing with Kerbie is like wrestling with a pig.  You get muddy and the pig is having fun!   Unless you can physically get in the ring with the guy, all you're doing is frustrating yourself.  

My brother use to start arguments when we were kids just because he enjoyed arguing.  I never realized till we got older that it was the arguing he enjoyed, not whether he had a good point or not.  The more we argued, the more fun he had and all I did was get more and more frustrated because he wouldn't listen to logic.  He was feeding on my frustration and having a great time doing it.
I understand what your saying...

But in some cases strength comes from frustration and/or anger...

Because the board members in general may except him is fine but maybe they need to revisit their perception of him...And just because his mannerism is excepted in general does not mean that it is the rule and will always be true...

So I still say "#### Kerberos"!!!!
Stunnah.....you missed my point man. And trust me...I don't remain neutral on nuthin!

My point is......you've already won in my eyes. Why beat the dead horse? Don't lower yourself.
All I can say is I once worked in the ghetto with mostly blacks. The collective mentality of the black woman working there, were the most evil spirited and racist group imaginable. Management allowed them to harass me, because they were afraid to say anything - the group would gang up on me every day. It was so bad I quit my service, after 10 years working in that awful system - Government. I refuse to work in an environment like that again. I really don?t care what color someone is, but I can tell you, it isn?t fun being a white middle-aged male in the work place, especially if you work Government, you have no rights and can say nothing to offend even the mouse in the corner without hearing about it.
I have no idea what in the hell that statement has to do with this ridiculous thread let alone anything else besides being just as offensive as Kerbie and Stunnah hurling insults at one another. The point Hank is trying to make here I don't understand. I'm sure there are many of us here that can tell horror stories about experiences, i.e. work environments, where rude, inconsiderate, intolerable people have made our lives miserable. I'm sure it didn't involve any particular race or gender. But this crap has gotten out of hand and I really wish it would stop!!!!

It's not funny anymore and I would hate for this to turn into a forum much like the ones at LABusas where anything is said about anyone without regard or respect for one another let alone other board members who may be reading its' content.

LET IT GO!!!!! STOP...........

wish I could start a poll within a thread, but I can't so here is what I suggest.

As a moderator, I can remove this thread from existense.
1) the starter of the thread, STUNNAH, must ask to have it removed.
2) it must be agreed by the other members that posted here, some of you already agree, so I need yea or nay from: Stunnah, Kerberos, Bacharles, busaban, and sledhead.
3) once that is done, I will make sure the powers that be have backed up the logs.

I hope everyone here agrees that everyone disagrees in some fashion. Race, color, heritage, religion. They are all welcome here, and most are at peace. The fact is this got out of hand and some felt hurt, disrespected, and some even shunned. I was asked to moderate as that is one of my duties here and it was asked of me in this thread. Not for my own gain, but because someone asked me to. I for one feel disrespected for doing that duty. Not going to say why, because the person that did it knows he did. No matter.

Hank brought to light that this board is dwindling. It is not, but is going through another transition as it has many times before. We have a better, more versitile, and larger membership than ever before. Lets keep it growing, and grow with eachother. I don't know why I feel I must go on with my feelings here, but I do know you are all above this and it pisses me off that we have come to this. That is why I haven't posted much in the last few days.

Reply as you wish, but from here out, it needs to be known if you want this thread gone or not.

My sincerest apologies to everyone if I said anything to offend anyone in my reply. Please delete the thread if everyone agrees.
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