Nice Keven!
It's fun ain't it! Don't forget the rule of thirds. And when you got that rule down - THEN Break it!
What I like is the rules of photography are meant to be broken, twisted, busted, used. It's all good and artistic.
Thanks for sharing.
What an informative thread! F=MA's pics never cease to amaze me...stunning really!![]()
I learned about the rule of thirds... don't use it often though lol.
Side note, Is it worth 1-200 bucks more for a camera body that can do ISO 100 vs one that can do ISO 200? (D40 vs D3000)
I would say no, only because today's camera's have such little Noise that 200 is still a great place to be.
Just get nice glass, the lens is your eye and the better the eye the better the pic!
Just my 2,
Yes? No? turtleturteturtle
those are nice...
Raises a question i meant to ask with F=MA, how are yalls pics like that so crisp? is that directly related to the quality of the lens? even on a tripod, My objects don't "pop out" like that.
Well I learnt that there are certain apertures (depending on the lens) that produce more crisp photographs. I stay as close to f8 as I can unless there is a specific effect I am trying achieve.
Also, one rule you never break is this: in digital photography when you downscale your images, you always sharpen.
If you're series about digital photography you'll have your head up Adobe's ass. So what you want to do it create 2 duplicate layers of your photograph. One with with a moderate blur, and another with heavy sharpening. Then you just adjust the opacity of these layers until you find a happy medium that's silky while also sharp.
Doug...these are such amazing pics! How you timed those lightning ones is beyond me! Looks like the Gods shooting it straight down from the heavens. The one of the cotton ball clouds is now my screen saver! Great pic of the Don and his amazing smile by the way![]()