Hi from NJ!

Welcome to the board
welcome and remember

1) Always,always wear your gear

2) As a beginner it will take you a while to get used to the throttle( a day or so)

3) The bike will go where you look ( always look thru your turn)

4)Impress people when the bike is on the stand, not while you are riding

5) Ride aware, not afraid

Oh it is a P*ssy Catcher so if your single get ready to get phone #'s

You'll always have room to learn so dont get cocky....
to another

I put 4K miles onto a VTR Firestorm (superhawk to you guys) before I bought the Hayabusa - in hindsight it would have been safer to start from scratch on a hayabusa - very easy to ride, smooth, comfy, balanced. A great machine.
Cherry Hill NJ here.. welcome aboard..

Good luck with your dream. it was a dream of mine for a while too. I went from an SV1000S 03 to the Busa after 3 years of riding experience and i am glad i got the Busa. Just be careful and as others have suggested take a safety course. The state of NJ offers them for free so why not take advantage? Cheers!
Paterson, NJ born living the life in NC! Sky blue country is it! Hey heed the suggestion of the other members! I hadn't ridin in a while when I bought my 02 Busa! Hey take the MSF course, it was the best weekend of riding I had!! Then I took the strategic riding course, just re-enforcing my skills. Plus the military made me take it and it was free!!!...NCpanther01.//