Hi,i'm Japanese!!

I am just going to say welcome to the oRg. Cant wait for the pics. And nobody called him a woman, it was compliment as I see it.
anyone see the "strangeness" of the introduction

YES now you mention it chris !

I have heard that Japanese citizens are not allowed to own/ride Hayabusa (or maybe just the rich) she too damn fast for the strict policing rules in that country. Please some worldly person set me straight ! :please:
There are Busas in Japan. It's expensive to own one and hard to obtain a License for any thing over 400cc's requires a license for big bikes which you have to take a test for. My wife (who's Japanese) says that the test is very difficult.
The first pic is in Tokyo, I just happened to catch him while we were having tea.
The second pic is from a Dealer in Kobe Japan.......

Misc. Pics. 043.jpg

Misc. Pics. 019.jpg