HID install

Wish I had the extra money. But since the riding season here is about over I may just ask for it for Christmas.
best money spent on my 05 . i have just the low beam. iceman says that the high doesnt work as well with the hid and he knows what he is talking about.
Zenonkink.com Good people.
Here is the correct website  
I want to get HID too  

Thanks for the link guys but how do you know which one to get or need??

I don't want to melt the headlight housing so what kind of power do I need for the BUSA? It goes from 3000 K - 12000 K??

I spoke with Ryan at XenonKing and I believe the correct bulb for the Busa (what I installed in my 05LE anyway) is an H7. The price for the low beam only (high beam worthless in my opinion) was $162 shipped to my door. It includes the bulb, ballast, and ignitor. It also comes with a few wire ties and a square of double sided tape. I believe ICEMANN has an installation write up somewhere and if you can't find it I will email it to you. You don't have to worry about melting anything cuz the xenon bulb isn't as hot as your stock bulb. The xenon consumes less power as well (35w as opposed to 65w stock.) Other than the tools to get the fairing off (4mm and 5mm allen wrenches,) you'll need an 8mm socket for the mirrors, 10mm socket to remove instrument cluster (makes it easier to adjust aim of lights and very easy to remove,) a pair of wire cutters/strippers that has a 16 guage option for the headlight wires, some electrical tape, and last but not least patience.
It's not that difficult to install and you become more familiar with your girlfriend (Busa that is.) As for your last question, I got the 5000K McCulloch kit. I believe the difference in number has to do with the color of the light. I don't even use my high beam now. Even when it's properly adjusted I can see the high beam hit the road about a third of the distance that the xenon low beam does. Words and even pics can't describe the difference from stock. If you have any more questions post away.

I installed my xenon 5000k system this spring. It would have to rate an A+++ in my opinion. Best mod to date on my bike. You wont regret it. 5000k is the most useable light. Dont need high beam anymore...
Two quick questions,

How long does the avarage HID bulb last (expensive you know).
Is the bulb glass UV cut so it dont effect the plastics.

Any answers appreciated.

Tell Ryan that you saw the $162 special at hayabusa.org, shouldn't be a problem, he told me that price.

Don't know about the UV but there's less heat from the xenon bulb as opposed to the stock bulb. I don't know the average life expectancy of the bulb but you do get a 1 year warranty on the bulb.

good luck
So most of you guys are only installing the low beam? That cuts the price in half. Does the new bulb fit in just like a stocker? And, how about the life of the whole unit. Anyone got several thousand miles with no problems?
Yep, if you mention the board you get the discount with xenonking.

Ref the low beam. Install is nearly plug and play. Hardest part. Removing the plastics to get to the area. If you have taken your nose section off then this is a piece of cake. OUTLAW DID HIS in less about an hour.

No need for the one in the highbeam (lower bulbs) location. Lens too thick.

AVERAGE LIFE OF THE BULB IS ABOUT 3000 hours, I have had mine in for 5 years and 25k miles. 3 mishaps, wheelies etc etc. I witnessed one on a busa that flipped over and over and over with only 3 parts surviving the crash, HID being on of them.

Vibration resistent for the most part. I can say this. I put one lit up on a paint shaker at lowes once. Whole cycle no problems. PS. It's the same one on my bike now!

AVERAGE LIFE OF THE BULB IS ABOUT 3000 hours, I have had mine in for 5 years and 25k miles.  3 mishaps, wheelies etc etc.  I witnessed one on a busa that flipped over and over and over with only 3 parts surviving the crash, HID being on of them.

Vibration resistent for the most part.  I can say this.  I put one lit up on a paint shaker at lowes once.  Whole cycle no problems.  PS.  It's the same one on my bike now!

You really put the thing on a paint shaker? Wow, that sounds bullet proof!
I did HID in both low and high beam. The only problem that it take some time like 30 seconds or so to get HIGH to full blast.
Normal bulb looks radiculos after HID installed. I put 10K bulbs and love it. I have 5K in my cage and wanted bluish tint.
Is anybody knows how to get HID to work temp faster?
I know that there is double HIDs in some cars.

Anyway, congartulations on new mod!
After reading this post, I just had to make HID my 2nd mod (Valentine 1 was the fisrt... except for stickers and reflectors)

I got he 6000 model for both low and hi... I gotta tell ya, it is sooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeet!!!
 Can I say, I can actually see at night!

Here is a pic that shows it off nicely... took a while to adjust my camera to get just the right shot.

Looks great Leo, I couldn't agree more.  How is the color of the 6000k light? I did the 5000k.
The color is bright white with a noticible tinge of blue, but not too much though... Exactly what I was looking for

I had to go into the dealer for my first oil change and service, the jackasses made me sign a waiver on all electronic parts under warranty, sayig that suzi claims that the HID's will melt the cover and assembly, and fry some electrical shid!!!

They are obviously just tryin gto get out of legit warranty work that comes up... bastards! The mechanic and sales guy both felt my headlights and they were cooler than another busa that was in there
Then the mechanic asks me where I got the kit, cause he wants to put one on his bike too! Go figure...