Hit a deer with the Harley

Wow, so glad you guys are OK!! I definitly would have enoyed me some deer steak on BBQ last night. :whistle: Heal up quickly!!! :thumbsup:
glad you both ok.....you sure contact didnt just shake the meat off it? :rofl:
Now where are the pics?

Steve, little Miss Heidi went into shock, so I had my hands full. After getting her back to normal, she wanted to go look at the deer, but the two Canadians who followed us suggested this was not a good idea, as the results will upset her more.

After the incident we hung out for a while looking at scenery, then went to Chateau Morrisette Winery just off the parkway, tasted wine, loaded a case of wine into the tail bag :laugh: and rode home about 150 miles.

One of the CSR's at the winery told us that a girl came wine tasting a few weeks ago, and was killed the next day on the parkway with a Harley, same thing happened.

I can post pictures of deer guts, a missing turn signal light and markings on the primary case, but that is about it.
Glad to hear you two are ok. I don't think you could have asked for a better outcome from something like. Living in Iowa, i'm always on the look out for deer. I know it is going to happen sooner or later.
A change of drawers and a cold beer needed for sure after something like that! So relieved to hear you & the wifey did not go down Willem. *wipes brow*

Deer remain my biggest fear while riding....especially in the region you guys were riding in.
We need to put a bounty on those critters!!!
I rarely take a ride when I don't see at least one.
The other day, on the way home from work, I saw 5. Three dead, and two (still) live ones. Just waiting for someone to jump in front of.
Deer = Evil!
Dam Canadians stopping to help, we are never gonna shake the nice guy image,,, serious glad you guys are ok.