Hit bumps and bike shuts off? What to check?

Ok I've got my tools.....

And plan on checking things tonight after all creatures great and small to to sleep. :)
Ok I've got my tools.....

And plan on checking things tonight after all creatures great and small to to sleep. :)

All I need is a 1 way ticket sponsored by you and I'll be on my way :thumbsup:

Must be nice to be able to ride for over an hour before hitting a bump. You wouldn't make it 45 seconds down any road in NW Ohio/SE Michigan without hitting a "bump"
Easy check for the kickstand switch, well at least to see if it is just barely making contact and when you hit a bump which may cause it to just break connection is. Simply take a zip tie or something similar and push the little plunger in on switch a zip it where it is in say open position making/not making contact whichever it may be that normally the kickstand would do, give it a ride AND then HIT a few bumps(I know you'll be all cofused now) after we said not to. And if it is still doing it then you can rule out KS switch and move on from there. Easier to eliminate things first than just trying to guess and not be sure. ???
Rollin my wife's cousins worked there for a couple years.
You go there for the 'dinner' not to pick it up to go. :rulez:

No, no glitches for almost an hour. Up down all around town, downtown and by the beach, on way home as usual just when I figure it fixed itself (which it never does, just wishful thinking) I hit a small rough patch on I95 and then it skipped.
After that it skipped a couple more times on way home.

Something's loose somewhere is how it feels, that I'm fairly certain on.
Rollin my wife's cousins worked there for a couple years.
You go there for the 'dinner' not to pick it up to go. :rulez:

Where ??? Where??? Anywhere in my post did I say pick it up to go?? I said drive there and back for testing, no where did I mention time that will elapse between those rides. :poke: THAT's the problem here, you do not know how to correctly fix a Busa. :banana:

AND since you are quoting :rulez: I must interject my own :rulez: as far as "my wife's cousins worked there for a couple years" and say:

Is the battery loose? I have heard of this before and come to find out the bat. was hitting and grounding itself out. I don't know of anything it might hit but just a thought. It is electrical I am sure. I have seen the battery bolts crack or start to break and cause this to. Might be worth a look to take them out and see. If you have put a few things on the post it could happen. You can always strip the whole bike and put it back together :rofl: O I forgot you live in Fl and don't get a winter to work on the bike :laugh: Best of luck
'Grab the dinner and drinks' would usually mean to pick it up, no?

Pm sent.

Sorry, let me clarify. You take cover the dinner check & bar tab plus provide an adequate amount of paper currency for better than average tipping to include a 1 lapdance min per hour for total length of stay at said establishment and I will kindly swing by and correct the problem you are experiencing with your 09 white Suzuki Hayabusa sporting Brock's exhaust & Black Marchesini wheels.

Please let me know if we are still experiencing any language barriers per say that could possibly lead to a discrepancy in terms associated with this transaction described above. :rofl:
Change of plans........I'll cover the tabs & college fund donations for the ladies and you cover the intro's. :beerchug: Oh and fix the bike. :laugh:
I've had the same issue twice. Once it was a loose ground wire to the battery. Second was the kickstand switch wasn't making proper contact with the kickstand. It began with the engine cutting out for a millisecond just now and then. I progressively increased in frequency until I was forced to find the culprit.
So I checked the kickstand switch. It moves freely, it is not loose and plunger seems free of rust or dirt.
How do I tell if this is what's cutting it off while riding? Start bike up in first with clutch in and move kickstand down a bit and see if it cuts off? I'm assuming that maybe springs get weak and allow kickstand to come down when I hit a bump thereby making bike cut off and on? Is that what happens or is there more to it on this one aspect?
What I saw Saiid was that my kickstand switch got dirty, then it didn' t move as freely (the kickstand didn't "snap" up as easy, either). I cleaned and lubed both really well.