The Oracle
Trying to post pic again...
Shudder Bug type... What is that? Don't laugh! My english is better than your portuguese...That would require me to be one of those "shudder bug" types, and I clearly am not!![]()
Main Entry: shud·der
Pronunciation: 'sh&-d&r
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): shud·dered; shud·der·ing /-d(&-)ri[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English shoddren; akin to Old High German skutten to shake and perhaps to Lithuanian kuteti to shake up
Date: 13th century
1 : to tremble convulsively : SHIVER
Main Entry: shudder
Function: noun
Date: 1607
: an act of shuddering
- shud·dery /-d(&-)rE/ adjective
It's a car dude, .... an old one. Here's a pic:WTF is a Studebaker?Have 2 old Studebakers that my dad and I restored as well as a '69 Dodge Coronet, (I bet the younger folks on here are thinking WTF is a Studebaker !!!).
Thanks for the reply. That is kind of what I thought and I still plan on putting one together but until I decide if I'm going to move it's on hold for now. I will keep you in mind when the time comes.jw -Let me start off with a question. I would like to start a reef tank like the one you have. Would you do it again or stick with gold fish? I know that they are a pain to get started and require a lot of work to keep it going but just how bad is it?
I wouldn't go back to any other kind of tank after having this one, but it can be a complete is expensive to maintain (replacing metal halide and compact lights every year, new filters for the sump every year, 80 lb bags of salt every two months or so, coral's expensive, fish are expensive, chemicals like calcium and iron are pricey, test kits, special foods for certain types of animals/corals)...
The startup is probably the biggest hurdle (tank, stand, lights are expensive!, live rock if you're going with a reef system is very pricey - I believe I spent $800+ on that pile of rock in the startup pic) and then if you experience problems along the way, that can become quite costly (I know of a woman that lost $15,000 in fish and coral during a snow storm; her generator failed and she lost everything)...
If you decide to do it, the best thing I've learned after so many years of water changes in all kinds of tanks is to set it up like we set this last 120 gallon tank...we had a hole drilled in the bottom right back corner and put in a ball valve. My husband plumbed that valve into our plumping under the house, and when I need to change water (every week), I just open the valve, water empties out, then I close it back up and have replacement salt water pump in from the blue bin under the tank...hauling buckets and hoses for water changes gets old real fast, and then H2O changes tend to be skipped...
Would I do this again? Yeah, I's been fun, even with all the frustrations...and my kids love it...they're becoming my little marine biologists...
The key is to not have problems! That's nearly impossible, but that's when owning and maintaining the tank is a headache...
If you have any questions, just let me know and I'll try to help you advice is to find a very knowledgeable salt water dealer in your area, someone that you trust and that will answer all of your questions without seeming like your bothering him/her...
That looks just like an Avante to me.It's a car dude, .... an old one. Here's a pic:WTF is a Studebaker?Have 2 old Studebakers that my dad and I restored as well as a '69 Dodge Coronet, (I bet the younger folks on here are thinking WTF is a Studebaker !!!).
That's what I thought, Oracle.That looks just like an Avante to me.It's a car dude, .... an old one. Here's a pic:WTF is a Studebaker?Have 2 old Studebakers that my dad and I restored as well as a '69 Dodge Coronet, (I bet the younger folks on here are thinking WTF is a Studebaker !!!).
I was thinking the same thing earlier today, but didn't want to look stupid (again)...That's what I thought, Oracle.That looks just like an Avante to me.It's a car dude, .... an old one. Here's a pic:WTF is a Studebaker?Have 2 old Studebakers that my dad and I restored as well as a '69 Dodge Coronet, (I bet the younger folks on here are thinking WTF is a Studebaker !!!).
Man.......cage rookies :tounge:It's a car dude, .... an old one. Here's a pic:WTF is a Studebaker?Have 2 old Studebakers that my dad and I restored as well as a '69 Dodge Coronet, (I bet the younger folks on here are thinking WTF is a Studebaker !!!).
Sounds like an episode of The Sopranos!I like what I'm doing right now. I enjoy collecting protection money, Putting whores to work, lone-sharking. I enjoy planting bombs in peoples cars. These are a few of my favorite things.
I am good at that game too, but mostly european cars.I'm usually pretty good at the "guess what car?" game...
What?I am good at that game too, but mostly european cars.I'm usually pretty good at the "guess what car?" game...
I don't want to offend anyone but those are the best cars :-)
Well, I don't wanna offend you, but you are wrong!I am good at that game too, but mostly european cars.I'm usually pretty good at the "guess what car?" game...
I don't want to offend anyone but those are the best cars :-)