But to answer your ?
Buy what you can afford!
Save for what you want or need!
Work extra hours at work, on the side, and use that as play money!
Know what it is that makes you happiest!
Realize there is always a tradeoff!! Time vs. money vs. effort in what ever it is that you do!
Do not get caught up in the game of keeping up with the Jone's!!!
And have a plan that you can stick too!
Get help from others that are successful!!!
Buy what you can afford!
Save for what you want or need!
Work extra hours at work, on the side, and use that as play money!
Know what it is that makes you happiest!
Realize there is always a tradeoff!! Time vs. money vs. effort in what ever it is that you do!
Do not get caught up in the game of keeping up with the Jone's!!!
And have a plan that you can stick too!
Get help from others that are successful!!!