Any opportunity I get to comment on HotBodies junk, well, here goes... Their designs are often very good. But the implementation (manufacture) sucks. They have no quality control. I've had bad experiences with their windscreens (flat-ass didn't fit) and fender-eliminator (painted by a child--or looked that way). That's it, for me, for HotBodies. Even so, these don't represent only a 'quality' issue...
I, too, love the looks of these covers. If I had a show bike, I'd put them on. To show it.
I would not use these for the street though, and speak against them the same way I speak against going without a helmet. It's the same idea, to me, i.e., a safety issue.
Why would we wear a helmet, armored jacket, boots, gloves...all the safety gear, then do something to compromise our overall safety such as occlude our rear lights, inviting a rear-end crash? It makes no sense. It's like wearing a big lightening-rod strapped to your back in a thunder storm because you like the awesome fireworks it makes. (Ok, that's an exaggeration, but you get the picture).
In my opinion, these are 'pretty' little things...that hold the potential for making a very bad day for you. If anything, you want to draw attention to your brake light, by making it flash, or making it brighter. Putting these on over your lights and darkening those lights is going to increase the chances you'll be hit from behind. How can it do otherwise. Check out all the comments from those who've seen these up close, and personal...
I guarantee after the 8,000 pound F250 kisses your a** because the driver had no idea you were slowing down, you're going to regret installing these. If you're still around... So let's hear no more of this crazy sheit around here.
Seriously, quality-issues aside, these are a terrible idea for a street bike. Pass on them. Good luck... Alan
I, too, love the looks of these covers. If I had a show bike, I'd put them on. To show it.
I would not use these for the street though, and speak against them the same way I speak against going without a helmet. It's the same idea, to me, i.e., a safety issue.
Why would we wear a helmet, armored jacket, boots, gloves...all the safety gear, then do something to compromise our overall safety such as occlude our rear lights, inviting a rear-end crash? It makes no sense. It's like wearing a big lightening-rod strapped to your back in a thunder storm because you like the awesome fireworks it makes. (Ok, that's an exaggeration, but you get the picture).
In my opinion, these are 'pretty' little things...that hold the potential for making a very bad day for you. If anything, you want to draw attention to your brake light, by making it flash, or making it brighter. Putting these on over your lights and darkening those lights is going to increase the chances you'll be hit from behind. How can it do otherwise. Check out all the comments from those who've seen these up close, and personal...
I guarantee after the 8,000 pound F250 kisses your a** because the driver had no idea you were slowing down, you're going to regret installing these. If you're still around... So let's hear no more of this crazy sheit around here.
Seriously, quality-issues aside, these are a terrible idea for a street bike. Pass on them. Good luck... Alan