hot start prob "i think"

I have read from others on the boards that getting all the air out of the system is a pain. Air gets caught up in the top of the radiator I think. Check out older posts for details. Try "Commom Problems" and "Modifications" .
thanks for all posts bike was becoming a pain and a liability, so i have now sold it after only a short time together we decided to call it a day and see other people!

i now have another busa in my life bit newer, less miles and hopefully more trustworthy, only time will tell, engine and everything feels tighter.
thanks for all posts bike was becoming a pain and a liability, so i have now sold it after only a short time together we decided to call it a day and see other people!

i now have another busa in my life bit newer, less miles and hopefully more trustworthy, only time will tell, engine and everything feels tighter.
remind me never to buy a bike from you :eek:
For the others here that have the base problem, difficulty starting when hot....

Try a lower octane fuel... It does not start as hard as the 91-93 stuff. I run only 87 in my Busa w/ no sputters, stutters, or hard starting....