Here you go, I should of thought of this, yes, cross under 280 on 84 and ride up to the Chevron, about a mile west from 280 on the right. That will be a good gas and water stop as well. (I'll be on the Hayabusa).
Woodside Chevron
(650) 851-1771
2950 Woodside Rd, Woodside, CA 94062
If you're taking 84 from the Livermore area, hopefully you won't run into much traffic. It can be a heavily travelled two lane all the way. Was the last time I rode it but that was late in the day on a Saturday. From Lodi it shouldn't take you more than a couple hours to Woodside, give or take.

There will be some shady and damp corners up in the hills so dress accordingly. Alices serves B,L and Dinner but there is also a place down the coast north of Santa Cruz, Davenport I think its called that has a couple cafes too, right across the street from the Pacific ocean! Maybe breakfast or lunch heading south and dessert back at Alices on the ride back north. You know who's coming yet?