How did you Find this Website?Dealer,Friend,Word of Mouth


After stumbling into a sweet deal on my Busa, I searched the net for anything "Hayabusa" related and found this site. At first, membership was restricted but they opened it up later. I was able to read alot and learned of several mods and recalls which was very helpful.

Joe Zulaski
Searching the net with the key word Hayabusa. First posted in May but got no replies. Figured the place was dead (how wrong I was!) and didn't try again until late July. The site has made a big and positive difference to my bike, my knowledge and my whole attitude to riding. Met some good guys too!
Bought the Busa in June. Didn't really think about a Busa web site until I met a guy at the Long Beach show in Nov. who told me about it.

This site and its evil twin, LA Busas have added a lot to the ownership experience.
I brought my BUSA to work one day and one of the guys here said to check out the site for the Hayabusa's.
The rest is history. I also want to say that this is a great site and valueable tool for anyone owning the BUSA.

Ride Safe

Just wondering how members found this site,was it via your dealer,a riding buddy,search engine, or magazine?How has it help you in deciding to buy the Hayabusa?
My Harley dealer had a test ride day for Buel's and they insisted I go. I didn't want to ride one but went to see the people. After more pushing and a new t-shirt I rode one. I didn't like it. I went to the grocery store and bought a mag that had an article about the test rides in Spain. This got me very excited and I went to the Harley shop(also Suzuki)and put $2000 down on the black one. This was in march so while waiting I searched the net for Hayabusa and thats how I found this place. I didn't sign on until I got the bike, June 23rd.
I found out about the org site when I aksed someone from our original Hayabusa mailing list to create thesite so when I sent emails etc to the motorcycle magazines we would have an actual web site that would point people to our (then) bigger hayabusa mailing list.Which I run. Chase was kind enough to fork out the bucks and buy the name and start the page.

There you have it from the horses mouth !!

I found .org through a search engine. When I first found out about the rumored "Hayabusa" I was compelled to find more info and was surprised to find that the name (HAYABUSA) was also the name or maybe brand name of the planes used to bomb Pearl Harbor! I wonder if the name has any reference to HD. I think not! They don't have anything that would need bombing as HD builds bombs everyday and when you ride one you never know when they will explode. Like someone on the board said "95% of all HD's built are still on the road...the other 5% made it home." You know I really don't hate HD's, what I really hate is the attitude of a lot of the HD riders. One thing I hate is a hypocrite and that is just what they are. They sing the song of "American Made", when a lot of the major components of their precious HD's are made in Japan. Mostly, they are a bunch of snobs, of course there are EXCEPTIONS to the rule.
falcon fool,I ride both bikes Hayabusa and Harley and I get what you're saying.I use to ride a 88 Honda 600VLX shadow and would get the finger or spit on by some of these Harley riders.But like they say lack of education equals lack of knowledge.As far as this website,the first Hayabusa site was setup like the TL-R website until BigDog put this one together which is pretty good.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 10 February 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 10 February 2000).]
Almost a year ago, looking for a ZX12.(JOKE)

Search engine, Metacrawler.

That search engine sure has cost a lot of money *%&^@+!!
I ordered bike, then went looking for more info on what could be done with it. Found this site thru search engine, Read it for a couple months and decided to sign on. Lots of information available, Thanks to all of you!
Search engine, almost half a year ago, when I had my Busa for almost half a year already.
Been one of the better new passtimes.