I found .org through a search engine. When I first found out about the rumored "Hayabusa" I was compelled to find more info and was surprised to find that the name (HAYABUSA) was also the name or maybe brand name of the planes used to bomb Pearl Harbor! I wonder if the name has any reference to HD. I think not! They don't have anything that would need bombing as HD builds bombs everyday and when you ride one you never know when they will explode. Like someone on the board said "95% of all HD's built are still on the road...the other 5% made it home." You know I really don't hate HD's, what I really hate is the attitude of a lot of the HD riders. One thing I hate is a hypocrite and that is just what they are. They sing the song of "American Made", when a lot of the major components of their precious HD's are made in Japan. Mostly, they are a bunch of snobs, of course there are EXCEPTIONS to the rule.