How did you Find this Website?Dealer,Friend,Word of Mouth

I walked past a Busa at a dealer. The dealer said it was the fastest bike on earth. At that time I thought "yeah right". At work it wouldn't get out of my head. Did a search and several articles came up confirming what the dealer said. I tripped over this site while searching and thought that there was a lot of excellent knowledge about the bike here. Kept coming back even though I didn't want to. This place is addictive. Finally some one offered me a ride around the parking lot. He said "Whatever you do don't hammer the throttle in 1st or 2nd. You'll end up on your back with 500 pounds of bike and hot oil on your chest". After that I was hooked. I visit here every day to see what I can learn. For entertainment I occasionally logon to our evil twin.