How do you clean your Busa?

Soap and water.. suds her up, wipe her down.. :thumbsup:

2000 Low Budget Busa 012 (Small).jpg
Murphys Oil soap and water the murphys natural oils keeps your paint soft and beads better than wax, it takes three or four washes before you really see the difference but bugs wash right off, water beads off like crazy, in between washes i just spritz it with Mcguires final inspection and buff it off, i have an 03 harley ultra classic that ive owned since day one its never been waxed ever and people always say damn how do you get the finish so shiny
I wipe mind down with a towel and just water then go over it with Kit cycle cleaner and to top it off with Motul cleaner wax (this is awesome sh!t)
I've been riding rain or shine for the last 1.5 years. riding in the rain isn't that bad but it sucks.

I use Motul wash & wax now, works great. Cant find kit's bike clean locally any more.

Well I live in Washington so everything washes itself since it rains 90% of the time here. I ride 92 miles per day year round expect when freezing/snow riding in the rain has become natural.

Soap and water