how do you keep friends long term?

(ike @ Aug. 05 2007,21:25) Get a dog
Got 2!!
(8Daytona8 @ Aug. 05 2007,17:03) ****I thought I had gotten lucky and found that elusive lifelong friend but then after 15 years of being like brothers he accused me of sleeping with his wife. Guess we were not as good of friends as I thought.

Well did ya
Well since we do not know each other I will let that slide but for your edification No I did not! I would not even go to his house when his wife was home and he was not! That is one rule of mine that I NEVER broke. I have never even asked a girl out that a friend casually dated much less one that he had been serious with, engaged to or married. Does that clear it up for you?


I don't have very many true friends, but I know who they are. We can finish each other's sentences, look at each other and know what the other is thinking, have the same sense of humor and most off all - trust each other.

There are probably only three people I would feel comfortable leaving my wife with and then leaving for an extended period. I know them I trust them. We have been through thick and thin.

Funny part is I don't live next to any of them anymore, but we keep in touch a couple times a month, maybe more often, one in many months. But we pick up where we left off.

Don't look for them. It just clicks. You can't create it. It just is. I don't know if it's Karma or what, but you will impress them for who you are and likewise them with you.

To me, sounds like you just really haven't met the right people yet. Don't force it and don't think about it too much.... I'm sure they will come along.
Thanks Whitele.. Both examples I mentioned in my initial post I used to think I could trust with my life- but now I wouldn't even trust one of them with a key to a footlocker. Unreal how downhill they went. I'll definitely keep hoping for some new pals though.

(Lamb busa @ Aug. 06 2007,23:00)
(jessup @ Aug. 05 2007,09:39) I have very few friends but that is because I am so f'ing cool that people are jealous... haters.
Lamb too!
With a little mint jelly on the side, yeah! Mmmmmmmmmmmm!




(Wag @ Aug. 07 2007,08:16)
(Lamb busa @ Aug. 06 2007,23:00)
(jessup @ Aug. 05 2007,09:39) I have very few friends but that is because I am so f'ing cool that people are jealous... haters.
Lamb too!
With a little mint jelly on the side, yeah! Mmmmmmmmmmmm!


friends DO NOT eat friends. Unless you crash in a plane in the alps and have no choice... But then I imagine you wouldn't think to bring the mint jelly so your enjoyment might be less than you expected. Although I don't know what you guys would be doing flying over the alps but who am I to say what you guys do when you hang out.


Geeze, deep thread going here.

I can say my wife is my best friend. When it's just the two of us we'll act up and get silly in ways we would never act if company were around and we laugh about that.

But in today's world everything is moving faster and is becoming more complex and people just don't have the time they once had before. As we get older we have more and more responsibilities to work and family as well as do our friends and along with divorces and people relocating all over the U.S. we lose the time we had before to spend w/ friends. Hell, we've had 4 couples on our cul-de-sac alone we were fairly good friends with that have gotten divorced over the last 3 years.

It's not like it was when our parents or grandparents were growing up. Life was simpler then.
Mom told me to choose my friends, don`t let them choose me.

I mainly hang with folks that I have something in common with.

Wana race?
I have a friend that I grew up across the street from .  we are still friends to this day and when he is not in Iraq we still do alot together, actually going on a deep sea fish at the end of Sept while he is on a break from the desert.  i have other friends that i have been hanging with for more than 20 years.

You have to share similar beliefs, goals, and have personalities that dont conflict.

Friendship is alot like a marriage.  it is alot of giving not just receiving.
(jessup @ Aug. 05 2007,09:39) I have very few friends but that is because I am so f'ing cool that people are jealous... haters.

Everyone was so serious... you made it fun!

But, seriously... keeping them takes effort even when they don't make the phone call or apology you think you deserve. That's not to say that you might be able to find better friends than what you have in the past... sometimes it's important to know who to put effort into and who sucks the life out of you. (Wish I had a vampire smiley face to use here.)

When I am truly friends with someone... they know that I would help them move a body no questions asked. So I would say trust is a big part of true friendship and commonality.
TIME is the hidden factor affecting friendships. You REALLY only have so much time to fit TRUE friends in, so don't be suprised if that number is really low. Back after high school, you had NOTHING to do, so you would wonder over to a friends house, hang out, watch Transformers reruns, go cruise around the city, stop to eat, go hang at the arcade.... lots of time to kill and time to spend together on common ground growing a friendship. Years later, after shooling, marriage, kids, activities, work around the house, etc etc, there is barely enough time to spend communicating with your mate - which should be first priority - let alone friends or buddys. I don't feel that is right - we've busied our lives TOO MUCH, but I can't change the rest of the world.

I have time for about 3 CLOSE, CLOSE friends, then have a bunch of others that are great freinds but much more distant either geographically or emotionally. And it is all good. I would not have time for more than 3 close friends, but that is just me..... and society.

"A friend is someone that will stab you in the front" - a friend of mine told me that
I can count on one hand how many people I routinely talk to. Two of them are my parents and one is my ex wife. When I deleted all of my social media, most people went to the wayside on their own. I got labeled as being bipolar by most of my "friends" due to events that occurred last year and they still think that now.