How do you secure your pazzo levers?

I guess i should be worried about my pazzos and my stock seat to as it only has the quick release seat pins holding on... how about my exhaust pipe since its only got one bolt holding it to the rear foot peg.

I think your worrying needlessly about it. If someone wants your stuff, there gonna get it if they take just the levers or the whole bike.
I guess i should be worried about my pazzos and my stock seat to as it only has the quick release seat pins holding on... how about my exhaust pipe since its only got one bolt holding it to the rear foot peg.

I think your  worrying needlessly about it. If someone wants your stuff, there gonna get it if they take just the levers or the whole bike.
I was just thinking the same about my Tobin seat, with the quick disconnect pins...

Or the Escort 8500 that lives on the dash...

Man, I think I'm just going to keep the bike in the garage...
Many of you live in a small community. Having lived in both a town of 250 people for a couple of years and a city of over 1.5 million (currently), I know there is a big difference in leaving a helmet, radar detector, or anything of value out in the open an unattended.

I go out, and I have fun, I am not a paranoid person. If there is a way to prevent aggravation (getting something stolen is aggravation) then I will look into using it. I can tell you, here in Vegas if you leave a radar detector on your bike it will be gone.

And like I said, bike theft = insurance coverage. Small accessories stoled = aggravation.
Many of you live in a small community.  Having lived in both a town of 250 people for a couple of years and a city of over 1.5 million (currently), I know there is a big difference in leaving a helmet, radar detector, or anything of value out in the open an unattended.

I go out, and I have fun, I am not a paranoid person.  If there is a way to prevent aggravation (getting something stolen is aggravation) then I will look into using it.  I can tell you, here in Vegas if you leave a radar detector on your bike it will be gone.

And like I said, bike theft = insurance coverage.  Small accessories stoled = aggravation.
Understand, just busting your balls...
Geeeesus just take your car.
1,100 volts into the handle bars. If that does not work use a security sensor and alarm set for touching the bike.
Many of you live in a small community.  Having lived in both a town of 250 people for a couple of years and a city of over 1.5 million (currently), I know there is a big difference in leaving a helmet, radar detector, or anything of value out in the open an unattended.

I go out, and I have fun, I am not a paranoid person.  If there is a way to prevent aggravation (getting something stolen is aggravation) then I will look into using it.  I can tell you, here in Vegas if you leave a radar detector on your bike it will be gone.

And like I said, bike theft = insurance coverage.  Small accessories stoled = aggravation.
Understand, just busting your balls...
I say if you are that worried about your levers my man simple fix Just put your Stockers back on then after you get back home put the Pazzo's back on then they are safe and sound no worries about some clown taking them
Over 35k miles and numerous years on Busa's with Pazzo levers!
Been to lots of major bike/non-bike events both local and national!
No special precautions taken other than the usual stuff...
Never had a problem..... I understand your concern but experience tells me you'll be fine!

OK where's the wood! Somehow I know I just jinxed myself.
Seriously, I think the levers will be fine, but really don't park the bike to far out of your view. The bike is more likely to get taken over the levers. I still think the best idea is to have an active motion sensor system.
Get this,,, I was doing vibration training at the corporate office in town for four days.  At lunch time on day one, another student in class says:

Student - Is that your bike outside?
Me - yes

Student - O well I was not sure so that is why I did not say anything.  But there was two guys checking out your bike an hour ago.  Then they took turns sitting on it, took it off the side stand and was turning the throttle.

I laughed because I thought he was messing with me, then I stopped laughing when two other guys said yea, I saw that too.  The bike was literally 15' away from me, I then decided to sit near window to see if they came back, the remainder of the training.  I could not do anything because the guys were gone and never came back.  

This was an office of successful white collar workers (not average tourist in town for the weekend, not some kid vandals, etc) and I always figured things would be ok there.  They did not try to steal anything, they just helped themselves to some seat time, dam bastaads  

O well the things that happen and we are never aware of.