How do you tell a 100(+) lb. pup


Still got love for ya's...
Donating Member
This is Buford T. Justice~ He's our newest member to the family~ He's 50% Dane (Daddy) and 50% Mastiff (Momma)~ Last time I was able to pick him up and stand on the scale, he weighed in at 110lbs... that was two months ago~ He'll be a year old in February~ He's definitly Daddy's boy...  

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I think he just gets jealous of these two because they get to be up on Daddy all the time..  

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throw a saddle on him and leave the busa at home !!ps what ya gonna do if he decides to eat your other pets?RUN THATS WHAT!!
there ain't nothing you can do.
Just protect the vitals when he jumps.

Loook at those eyes in the second pic. He's harmless. I had a 100 lb. female Rott that swore she was a lap dog. That was a hard habit to break!
Damn, G.....that's one hela big dog.

I'd hate to see the bill for food fer that guy.
can you say "Good Lord" that is a big dog. Ever see the movie sandlot? when the kid is being chased by "beast". Thay run in the local pool and the little kid looks up and says "Mommy, Mommy, a doggie......OOOOOO, thats a BIG DOGGIE" thats the first thought that went in my head.

Good Dog, SIT!
He's a big boy! Scooby's right at 150 lbs, so look forward to him getting EVEN bigger!

His legs okay GJ?
He's a big boy!  Scooby's right at 150 lbs, so look forward to him getting EVEN bigger!

His legs okay GJ?
His legs seem to be great, VaBusa.. thanks for asking~ He doesn't seem to be 'shuffling' them any more.. not that I've noticed anyhow~ We read up on these monster dogs and never fed him puppy food~ Went straight to a well mixed adult dog food to be sure his bones grew properly with the rest of him~ I think I was just worrying over nothing.. it's a new dad's perogitive, I guess!  
Thanks for all your help and advise~ It was appreciated more then you can know~  

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 there ain't nothing you can do.
 Just protect the vitals when he jumps.
Oh man.. he's right at that size that he's put me to my knees, on more then one occasion, with his tail! He'll just be walkin on by, happy as can be, with that tail waggin and POW!... daddy is on the ground cryin' in pain!

Damn, G.....that's one hela big dog.

I'd hate to see the bill for food fer that guy.
He goes through a 40# bag of food like it's a snack! We typically get about two and a half weeks outta them~ Luckily we found a local Tractor Supply/Feed Store that sales them at a pretty decent price~ Makes moding my bike take a little longer though..
can you say "Good Lord" that is a big dog. Ever see the movie sandlot? when the kid is being chased by "beast". Thay run in the local pool and the little kid looks up and says "Mommy, Mommy, a doggie......OOOOOO, thats a BIG DOGGIE" thats the first thought that went in my head.

Good Dog, SIT!
Great movie! If memory serves me, I believe the dog in that flic was a Mastiff too~ I'm pretty sure it was a Bull Mastiff anyway~
Justice's mother was a 100% Neopolitan Mastiff~ She was pretty thick but not very big tall wise.. maybe thigh high~ We didn't get to see much of here when we picked him up.. just a quick glimps~ She was being VERY protective of her pups at the time~ His dad was a 100% goofy, lovable, totally Brendle Dane~ You may notice Justice got the Brendle socks from him~ More so on his hind legs then the front~ He's already much thicker then his dad was though~ He shows a lot of smarts too~ Listens and trains quite well.. gonna be a great Busa gaurd when he's older...
Don't leave him alone for too long or the leather wil pay. Experience, just a thought. Who needs ADT.
He's right at that stage too! He's got his toys and chew rope, but we tend to let him stay in the back yard when we're at work.. and the Akita gets the house/garage duty~ So far he's ripped a section out of our screened encloser around the pool (loves to swim in the pool too) and chewed (ate) both ends off the pool vacuum hose! We left him in the house the other day and he took out a couple of the Mrs.' stuffed animals, but leaves the furnature alone~
He know's when he's done wrong too.. he just puts he's head down and walks to the other end of the room~ Mind you, we don't beat down our animals.. unless you count the verbal abuse.. but he does get ignored after letting him know he's done wrong and doesn't like that in the least~ The silent treatment and no lovin from me drives him nuts~ After a while he'll just come up and set his head on my lap and give 'that look'.."I'm sorry, dad, I won't do it again~" Of coarse I give in.. I mean how could I not, just look at that face!
Damn, G.....that's one hela big dog.

I'd hate to see the bill for food fer that guy.
He goes through a 40# bag of food like it's a snack! We typically get about two and a half weeks outta them~ Luckily we found a local Tractor Supply/Feed Store that sales them at a pretty decent price~ Makes moding my bike take a little longer though..  
WTF? Tractor Supply?!?

Damn, dood...looks like you may as well buy some stock in Iam's Big Dog Chow. Two an a half weeks? Good lord...

I have three mutts...all some kinda mix of daschund/chihuahua/mini collie.

40lb bag lasts me about two and a half months!!!

That's actually one of the reasons I've been holding off on gettin a bigger dog. I was thinkin a huge one too...Dane and Rott mix.