How fast do you want to go on thes Srteet with mods and which ones at


I just want to see if there is ability here to see what we have as a group here with our street ridden bikes, that need to be run faster than they come. What is the best formula for this bike,Parts combinations for the money. It seems like we could find a few good combinatiomns worth touting...get specific here, list what you think is best, cost and results. Then we can look over each of these builds and compare, and analyse even .Lets come up with a easily looked at spreadsheet of out project ,machines and see how it looks!
Currently I have a stock 2000 Busas with no changes yet except for a air flapper valve removal!I have been breaking it in rather easily so far and have been noticing no stumbles or flat spots. I did not want to use the same oil after 500 and 1000 miles and am running new oil and filter at 1000miles.Top speed attainded 140 MPH Just at 8 grand in 4 gear I think... waiting for the rihght time to push harder.I have done few whelies and found 1st gear to be able to roll on easily but that seems to have trigerred a clumck on left side also.Considerring pc2 mod, Muzzy exhaust,421 titanium mod, Valentine 1 upgrade, I currently have a good radar/laser detector on the front dash.May need to get tubo mod to be happy.
If you want to go turbo forget about buying an exhaust...the kits come with one. Depending on whos kit you go with you might need a pc2. we offer a turbosystem for the hayabusa that does not need any other items..comes complete. 300 to 340hp at the rear wheel on pump gas. here is some more info. to the turbosystem page

[This message has been edited by NLR (edited 22 July 2000).]