I like the 12,But the way your Busa sits right now I'm sure it is Faster and propably quicker,
Keep the Busa, Get a gixxer 750, I agree with Buffalo on this the FI on the 750 is great. It also handles like it is on rails. It is a true out of the crate racer. Matt Mladin seems to due ok against the bigger bikes with a 750. I know you will like it, just do it.
I like the 12,But the way your Busa sits right now I'm sure it is Faster and propably quicker,
Keep the Busa, Get a gixxer 750, I agree with Buffalo on this the FI on the 750 is great. It also handles like it is on rails. It is a true out of the crate racer. Matt Mladin seems to due ok against the bigger bikes with a 750. I know you will like it, just do it.