I have been playing with the GPS also but haven't went that fast yet. With stock gearing 100mph on the speedo is almost always 91.7 on the GPS with my bike.
Calculators also do not factor in;
Ambient temperature, elevation, humidity, resistance, wind, riders weight, tyre slippage (as said), proper or improper inflation, rider's skills or lack thereof. Etc., etc.
So that means you were going to hell!
I have been playing with the GPS also but haven't went that fast yet. With stock gearing 100mph on the speedo is almost always 91.7 on the GPS with my bike.
is tire slippage really that big a problem on pavement?
I beg to differ, if the transmission is fully engaged, there can not be any slippgage at that kind of speed unless the road was wet in either case it would be hard to live to tell about it. The RPM of the wheel is a fixed constant relative to the engine/transmission. If the other factors can effect the top speed it would manifest itself in not being able to reach peak RPM (ie. other forces such as air resistance is cancelling out the power of the engine)
How do you factor in the optimistic tachometer? ???
You took the GPS on that big dozer yet~?~
Might not be fast but not much that can stop it right~?~
Certain known facts CAN be calculated IF those known variables are presented at the given time and place of entry. Each and every event will be different. There is no calculator that can forecast that. So, unless you plug in all said and known variables,, calculators are for potential projections, they are theoretical and are NOT proper data that can be put down in record books.