How long should i warm her up for?

i warm it up till it sounds like its running smooth.. a cold motor has a lttle hesitation. a warm motor idles smoooooooooooooooooooooooooth... just wait for when it sounds right. usually when the temp needle starts to rise
I go by sound! I fire it up and let it run until it starts to sound like it's running too fast. Doesn't take long. I shut down the fast idle switch and put on the rest of my gear and I'm good to go!
I fire her up on fast idle. Let it run about 5 min while I suit up and finish my last beer. By then the temp needle is almost at the half way mark. I take it off fast idle, put her in gear, and I'm off.
normal operating temp
How much is it and how do you know the bike has reached it?
Normal opt (when the water guage is at it normal level) on Cold days (65 F and below) or only 5 min on any other day. All your really doing on warm days is getting the oil to circulate, on cold days your doing the same but bringing up the internal metal and clutches up to a warmer temp.  
I fire her up and run on fast idle for only about 10 seconds then apply slight throttle to keep RPMs just above 1500 or so, then when temp needle crosses cold mark, I take off keeping RPMs below 2500 until she reaches normal operating temp..
About 30 seconds.

Another reason a Busa is better than a woman! Fast warm up!


Start and leave on fast idle while I put my helmet and gloves on, then ride gently while the engine temperature rises to its usual mid-point.

This also allows the rear tire time to warm up, much more important IMHO.