How many busa\'s here are kept stock?

Mine's all stock as well. Affording aftermarket parts is a big thing after the purchase of the bike to begin with.

I think I'll go for a doublebubble for Xmas though.

Stock is definitely enough bike to keep me going, and odd hours coming/leaving for work makes pipes a non issue in an apartment complex. Don't want to make any enemies of the neighbors, hehe.

I did take good care and put some aerodynamic scratches on the right side of the bike. Nothing like getting stuck in a lean at 1 mile an hour. Stop, get leg out, hold bike at 45 degree angle, and think thoughts of Superman. It was in the middle of the night with not a soul in sight. Reality set in, and I did my damndest to lower the bike as slowly as possible. There were some small rocks on the asphault and they put the slightest of scratches on the right fairing, right side mirror (end) and enhaust pipe in a single spot. Man does that feeling blow.

A good brace with adequate posture and I was able to get the bike upright again.

This was just after coming home from getting the 109 service note work done. AGhhhhhh.

That was last week. Now I look at the little blemish and think battle scars. Whew, I gotta say, they look a helluva lot worse right after the fact.

Now, if I could only guarantee myself to never th
Well mine is bog standard and will be staying that way. I got it to 10,000rpm for the first time yesterday and that was a speed that would have seen me with no licence if I was caught, in second gear??? The amount of time it took to get there is where I get my buzz from and any faster and I reckon I would have fallen off so I'm happy with stock power. The rest of you are all mad is all ;-)
I modified my harlies and I probably will this also. It's just so fast the way it is, I could'nt imagine making it faster.
I also wanted to try the icon thing :wink:
Have fun :wink: :)
Completely stock except for two teeth up on the rear sprocket and a couple of holes in the exhaust baffels. With the exception of a double bubble thats it. I believe the gearing change will keep it ahead of any stock 12. Makes a lot of difference--only have a top speed of 190 now though. Experiance tells me that once you began modifing the bike, it never stops. You do this and then you have to do that. Each time compremising rideability and durability. Just my .02