How many have put the bike in storage for the winter?

Only the weaklings:poke::laugh:
I ride all year, regardless of temperature or what's falling from the sky.
Salt does eat things up too...but it washes off.

The salt dust will get behind the fairings where ya can't get at it and do it's damage eventually. I like to keep my toys pristine and for a long time. Besides, I got a 1000 cc prostock dragsled and a full mod trail sled to play with :whistle:
Mine is stored for the winter, starting my winter mods :)

mine never gets winterized either. full tank of fuel with stable and i plug the battery in. that way i am ready for rides when i can. Cold weather gear rocks.
Just cleaned mine and complete my what i thought to be winter mods, but anytime the weather permits I will be out on it, that is after I replace the rear tire. LOL Just noticed tonight I finally have treads showing..
Here in NZ we abolished winter around about the same time as influenza miraculously disappeared . . but was then annoyingly replaced by Convid 19.
Winters here are short and mild by North American and European standards.
I get to ride most weekends in the winter when there is no rain, and as they say, it's never a weather problem anyway, just a clothing problem!
I remember jumping over a road and landing in 2 feet of soft, fluffy snow...there was such a big puff of snow my kids thought I'd crashed but I came flying out of the snow cloud on the back tire and jumped the road again...and that was one of the mild things I did on that CR250...

They said I was completely nuts....and when you hear that from a pair of crazy teenage boys, it sure sinks in...