How many miles is on your busa?

Almost 30K bought her in Sept. 06
28.5 on my 05...that's me on the right behind Robert
Sounds like the engine is pretty solid thats good to hear. I was curious since I seem to hear a lot of stories that the GSXR-600's and 1000's don't seem to last all that long. Like say only 30,000 miles give or take till a rebuild.
bought 05 new has 21,000 trouble free miles not even a tranny problem if you don,t beat it to death keep it for as long as you want it
I had 22,000 on my 03. Only 7500 on my 05. I traded it and bought an 07 in August and the 07 has 4000 miles on it. I guess thats around 33,000 since 03....
my daily driver 03 with 51000 miles got it in 05 with 12000 mile basic repairs basic oil change, spark plugs, pads this bike runs better than a timex. my chill bike 04 with 20,000 also in 2005.
My Busa is a 1999.  Did 40K on it and it went BANG!  Cam chain jumped a few teeth- bent 6 valves.  Suzuki UK were not helpful.  Im getting it fixed -but Im not happy :[
Bought "Thunder-n-Lightnin" in July '06 and have right at 29,000 on it so far!!!

No major issues as of yet...still running pretty dawggone hard... Gonna run the wheels off it!!

Along with the miles did anyone find they had to do any shiming to the buckets. I went thru all the trouble of checking my 06 at 22K, all with in spec. Talked to a X zuk mechanic now working on Duc's. he said he never had to do anything to a Busa! Most were checked at 15 to 18K.