How Many Of us ...

Yep, not only is the '07 Red the fastest color, it also handles the best. Don't know what the rest of you were thinking!!!
yeah I have to agree with ajay and demmym the 2007 candy sonoma red, but for the extra 3 mph I had some flames air brushed on mine, then for anouther 2.6 mph I added some spikes, Demmym can tell you how much faster your bike is with spikes on it, also the windscreen is painted black with a skull in it, thats so the angles in heaven can keep up with me when i ride....
Last summer pics. Have many new winter mods going on now. New wheels, new paint, and lots of goodies.:laugh:

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I think you made the mistake of saying your color was the fastest, When you do that you better belive every other color wil chime in with there .02. sorry im one of them:laugh: