How many years for OJ!

OJ is sorry alright, the arrogant self righteous POS is sorry he got caught and prosecuted..

Lets say a member here sells you a bike and burns you on the title.. you walk into his house with a gun and demand it .. when the guy refuses you take him hostage until he complies? yea he got real mistreated....

his tears were all about HIM, not retribution.. his cocky attitude that the "laws do not apply to him" finally came back around..

Ya know if I knew I could get a cell with him, I might just do the crime so I could poke that boy a couple times before he dies in the pokey.. (he aint coming out ya know)

Bravo for the legal system, better late than never... just sorry it took this POS so long to trip up again.. (we all knew he would)

Check out his smile after meeting his new "Pole to hole" cell mate...

Oh and FWIW SSP... I find a world of difference between vicodin (or other pain killers) and crack addiction.. (i have tried both)

I have been on pain killers for a few years (I am a walking drug store) and by some standards, I am addicted to them.. meaning, without them I do pay a price.. but I prefer pills over surgery at this point.. (and you really do not get a buzz) as long as I can function, no knives..
Hey Rich.... PAGE...

now I can I can let go of cake walk oj got in the first trial...
OJ is sorry alright, the arrogant self righteous POS is sorry he got caught and prosecuted..

Lets say a member here sells you a bike and burns you on the title.. you walk into his house with a gun and demand it .. when the guy refuses you take him hostage until he complies? yea he got real mistreated....

his tears were all about HIM, not retribution.. his cocky attitude that the "laws do not apply to him" finally came back around..

Ya know if I knew I could get a cell with him, I might just do the crime so I could poke that boy a couple times before he dies in the pokey.. (he aint coming out ya know)

Bravo for the legal system, better late than never... just sorry it took this POS so long to trip up again.. (we all knew he would)

Check out his smile after meeting his new "Pole to hole" cell mate...

Oh and FWIW SSP... I find a world of difference between vicodin (or other pain killers) and crack addiction.. (i have tried both)

I have been on pain killers for a few years (I am a walking drug store) and by some standards, I am addicted to them.. meaning, without them I do pay a price.. but I prefer pills over surgery at this point.. (and you really do not get a buzz) as long as I can function, no knives..

I knew we couldn't agree about something completely. Alright, fugg OJ, his :moon: will be :whistle: soon enough.

About this addition thing, I get sick & tired of people treating vices (alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, gambling, prostitution, etc.) as if they are different and/or if makes a difference whether your address is main street, wall street, or some back street.

ADDICTION is just that, it destroys the person addicted, and hurts and sometimes destroys those around them. The timeline for destruction may vary due to the size of a bank account and available resources, but in most cases the downward spiral is the same ............................. that is unless the person truly commits themself to changing & moving forward with their lives.

I won't even touch your reference to what you have tried, but it would be hypocritical of anyone that has been addicted to anything to black-ball another addict for their actions.

But I'm just saying though .............
ADDICTION is just that, it destroys the person addicted, and hurts and sometimes destroys those around them. The timeline for destruction may vary due to the size of a bank account and available resources, but in most cases the downward spiral is the same .............................

that is really oh so true 99% of the time... but there are "functioning" addicts if you want to call it that.. and not always a total write off..

I can take my pills to keep the pain away, be miserable most of the time or allow surgery (that most likely will fail)...

I am an addict and I am at work every day, pay my bills and do what I can for others (to a point)...

sure glad my insurance will pay for the addiction but not for non invasive therapy.. go figure...
Sorry for your pain, bro. But don't consider yourself a "functioning addict". Just consider yourself functional and blessed, simply because as bad as your chronic pain may be, trust me someone somewhere has it worse.

Now I do truly believe you are addicted to the BS SSP Hater-Aid you and your Anti-SSP Click of Board Members drink!! Y'all need to start a 12 Step Program immediately !!

Come to the Southside, we can drink some Hennessy or some Jack Daniels to the point we are all addicts and then you all shall be healed.

Sorry for your pain, bro. But don't consider yourself a "functioning addict". Just consider yourself functional and blessed, simply because as bad as your chronic pain may be, trust me someone somewhere has it worse.

Now I do truly believe you are addicted to the BS SSP Hater-Aid you and your Anti-SSP Click of Board Members drink!! Y'all need to start a 12 Step Program immediately !!

Come to the Southside, we can drink some Hennessy or some Jack Daniels to the point we are all addicts and then you all shall be healed.

:rofl: Walker please....
KARMA is all I have to say about that. :poke:

He better live a loooooooooooooooong life. He has to answer to a much higher power eventually for his past actions.
So, I guess the answer to Lamb's question... How Many Years for OJ? is...


So he goes jail 4 trying get back his stolen property?Figures Let the thiefs go lock up the victom.?? I would want my property back to did OJ have gun?No other guys did but GUESS OJ HAD MIND CONTROL ON THEM?

It was never said he was getting back his stolen property, just his former property. The sports memorabilia had been sold to pay off his civil judgment to the Goldman Family, who have been relentless to collect. He just wanted it back. So, he thought the best way to do that was to take it. So, he should be charged for robbery, and then it became armed robbery when a gun was involved.
33 years at max! That is a long time.

OJ is 61. Minimum time in jail will be 9 years. Will OJ ever walk the earth a free man again? His Esteem or Ego, whatever, seems so fragile. He has been battling depression and rage for years. He will have huge mood swings in the hooscow. Those things, at his age, will shorten his life, one would think. Think about OJ at 70, walking out of jail after 9 years of penitentiary life right to his 60 minutes interview. Lamb, personally doesn't think he'll make it.
Good luck Orenthal, who is gonna look for the real killers now?:rofl:
33 years at max! That is a long time.

OJ is 61. Minimum time in jail will be 9 years. Will OJ ever walk the earth a free man again? His Esteem or Ego, whatever, seems so fragile. He has been battling depression and rage for years. He will have huge mood swings in the hooscow. Those things, at his age, will shorten his life, one would think. Think about OJ at 70, walking out of jail after 9 years of penitentiary life right to his 60 minutes interview. Lamb, personally doesn't think he'll make it.
Good luck Orenthal, who is gonna look for the real killers now?:rofl:
touching!! :rofl: but so was the clown at my 6th birthday party... :whistle: