How many years of riding? How many miles total?

Amazing so far, guys. Forgot to mention, 47,000+ miles was done on my R1 (first bike) in less than two years then I traded her in for the Busa on September 27th of last year. A little over 30,000 miles on her right now.
I've been riding for 14 years. I've had three bikes. I have around 95,000 miles in all. I have 43,000 miles currently on my 2005 Busa.
26 years, 12 dirt bikes,15 sport bikes, not a clue on miles but each mile was a good time. Did all my own wrenching from day one, its been a great learning curve:thumbsup: at first fuel injection was intimidating but a manual fixed that. So far built 2 busas from the ground up

over 40 years, no way can I count the miles. Still the best thing you can do with your clothes on.. :rofl:
34 yrs riding exp... We did this math last year and it's way over 500,000mi. Countless bikes, but my '86 GSXR and the Busa are my all time Favs!! I currently ride a MIN of 70 mi a day. just yesterday was 2 tanks.... today was 1 tank...The wind is up to around 50-60mph right now, called it a day...
bought first bike in 94 a cbr 600 f2 went into dealer with no money they gave a 19 year old kid a loan with no on books income ever even put the insurance in the payment first ride was on the way home from that dealer from queens ny to brooklyn ny dont know how i made i made it did a lot of riding with sandles and shorts on that bike with no helmet most of the time and on one wheel the rest of the time glad i lived through it . learned a lot since have owned 9 sport bikes since and have been on a busa since 04 my second now an 08
so about 14 years maybe 10k a year but dont know for sure and like others have said i thank god for every minute i get to spend on a motorcycle and hope to ride til the end !