How much to paint a Busa?


How much does it cost to paint a Busa?

I'm sure this has been covered countless times, but it takes forever to search the 100's of pages of threads.

How much would you guys guess.... currently... it would cost to paint the bodywork of a Busa if you R/R all the plastics yourself? Solid color...maybe metallic, but not graphics.

This is just a take it to the local paint shop kind of thing right? (I'm looking for black...simple).

Another quick one...

What is involved in putting Gen II front fairings on a Gen I? (I prefer the Gen I tail).

Thanks much... just curious.

Price completely depends on the painter and the color.

Black and white are the cheapest, reds are more expensive. As for a dollar amount, I do not want to even throw one out there, as I know some are more than others, and hobbyists can do an excellent job for a lot less
i keep one fresh space black set in stock all the time. drop off any color busa on friday am, pick back up a fresh black one saturday afternoon :laugh:...
One Quart. After you thin it you will get two qts. Use a good finish gun you will use less paint, And will have less over spray. :thumbsup:
Last summer it cost me $700 to have every piece of plastic and the tank painted and clear coated factory '07 blue. That included all the sanding and prep, plus fixing a small hole in one side fairing.
What, you keep a black tank ready to go as well?

PM me the price... :)

Don't forget mine are turbo-cut.


when I say set it's every piece.. when you get your bike and come up we will discuss it need to see shape of your stuff. outright cost is heavy..these are fresh never been back on a bike and cut/buffed.. look like it's wet when wiped off with plexus...
Costs me a couple hundred in materials, about 5 hours of sanding (a couple guys working) and a couple hours of spraying and cleanup. If I sand/buff then figure another 2-10 hours depending on what all gets done.
Last summer it cost me $700 to have every piece of plastic and the tank painted and clear coated factory '07 blue. That included all the sanding and prep, plus fixing a small hole in one side fairing.

Lol you got lucky gonna cost me $1k to get mine repainted back to 07 vigor blue :banghead:
My Brother is a full time painter and gets materials at shop cost .
My candy Molten Orange paint job cost me about $400 .
And we already had some of the sealer , primer , reducer , and clear lying around in our shop .
It all depends who you know ...
Mine took just over a full quart plus the candy pint and the clear.My painter uses a lot of paint so get more than needed.I have about $300 in my paint and candy.