HOw much would u pay per gallon,

(Revvv @ May 12 2007,02:45) If you want to see an impact made and fuel prices drop, have every Trucker in the US pull a strike. Nothing moves until fuel prices drop to $1.25 a gallon and stay there. That would show a negative force impacting the economy, the Oil Companies, and it would make life in America difficult for a few weeks.

America is the buying force when it comes to oil. If we stand then something will have to happen. In reality we have allowed a free Country to become a Country of slaves to oil.

It's amazing to me that people complain about my SUV, my truck, or whatever other gas guzzler I may choose to drive. My parents drove vehicles that were lucky to see 10MPG. Gas cost them 50cent a gallon or less. Yeah, there are a few more cars on the road today. That raises fuel prices because of the demand, not because of a shortage.

How many people have seen fuel prices negatively impact their life yet? I have slowed down my driving, my racing, and anything else that requires fuel. Not because I think I can save a gallon, but because I want to save a dollar.

Things are only going to get worse, not better, and what are we doing about it? What are you going to do if another storm equal to Katrina hits the Gulf? Oil will skyrocket out of control again and prices will be out of the reach of many.

I'm glad I have a motorcycle.
Sounds good Revvv . Only probl, is Truckers(im one ) Would never stick together and do it . And the bigger companies are in bed with the oil companies so they wont let there drivers stop threating firing them . I have heard for years from truckdrivers wanting to go on strike for fuel prices load prices and driver wages . Like everything else though they just talk about it from the cornor..
The price of a few nukes should do the job, our troops should be defence of the united states not for other countrys police force. as for iraq we cant win this war you got iran supplying the nuts with arms and then you got russia in there back door trying to make money selling them arms and nukeular technolagy,and too top everything off we let them hang the only guy that can run that country. how can you win a war when their side gives them a ak47 and some rocket perpelled gernades and they are happy to die.
(Devil Dog @ May 11 2007,05:46)
(WWJD @ May 11 2007,07:03) What are these people dieing for? ?
We are over there dying in an attempt to keep the terrorism "over there" and not here.  We invaded Iraq because Saddam was fueling the fire.  There is no easy fix.....

I would much rather travel thousands of miles and fight there than here in our back yards.

I support taking the fight to the enemy so that my children may live free.When its all said and done, I hope that my 20 yrs served and my time in Iraq is an even trade for my children never having to experience some of the stuff which I have endured.

I love my children
I love my freedom
I love my fellow Americas

Keep the fight over there vice here!!!!

Thank you guys for what your doing to keep me, my family and friends safe on our soil. I believe in staying the course as well. And I do my best to not let the liberial media sway my opinions of you guys and your mission. I for one am thankful for those serving my country!
(Devil Dog @ May 11 2007,10:46)
(WWJD @ May 11 2007,07:03) What are these people dieing for? ?
We are over there dying in an attempt to keep the terrorism "over there" and not here.  We invaded Iraq because Saddam was fueling the fire.  There is no easy fix.....

I would much rather travel thousands of miles and fight there than here in our back yards.

I support taking the fight to the enemy so that my children may live free.When its all said and done, I hope that my 20 yrs served and my time in Iraq is an even trade for my children never having to experience some of the stuff which I have endured.

I love my children
I love my freedom
I love my fellow Americas

Keep the fight over there vice here!!!!

Very well put!!!
(Vic_E55_2001 @ May 11 2007,17:06) Stopping world domination? you must be kidding. We have military bases in 144 countries because we want to stop world domination? We dominate the damn world. Who cares that every nation in the world hate us for that. Who cares when our leader compared with Hitler. Zeig Heil Geoge!!!
That's funny,because when something happens in one of those other countries that we're not in,they're all crying like babies.TOOOOOOO many countries look to the USA for protection.They need to learn how to whipe their own butt!!!And quit downing the US when we do help.
(WWJD @ May 11 2007,10:03) gunny, because I'm uninformed? I NEVER watch the news, I NEVER read the news, I don't pay attention to any of that stuff. I am sorry. I am sure there is more to it.

Why are we there? WHAT job? Terrorism will always exist. We are going to stop it worldwide by fighting a war over there?

What are these people dieing for? ?
If my memory serves me I was paying $1.00 a gallon around here when 911 occurred, now I'm paying $2.87 a gallon. I don't think we're over there to decrease the price of crude. I would rather fight the terrorist with the military in Iraq, than the police in America.

Crude prices began to rise as soon as the President began talking about alternative fuels.

Our bikes for one example can't run alcohol based fuels.

I'm certain that we are securing, so to speak the Middle East for national security reasons that include energy.

Just my opinion, it's worth what ya paid for it.
(Vic_E55_2001 @ May 11 2007,14:06) Stopping world domination? you must be kidding. We have military bases in 144 countries because we want to stop world domination? We dominate the damn world. Who cares that every nation in the world hate us for that. Who cares when our leader compared with Hitler. Zeig Heil Geoge!!!
I am absolutely not kidding.  Hitler wanted to take over the freaking world.  He said so.  Openly.  It was his goal.

Yes, we have military bases in 144 countries - so what?  How many of those countries INVITED us to be there?  If asked to leave one of those countries, do you think we would refuse to do so?  We do not rule those countries as Hitler wanted to do.

We do not dominate the world (look up the word domination).  We do not dominate militarily, although we could if we so chose, we certainly don't dominate economically anymore.  

The nations that hate us (certainly not all of those 144 nations do) do so on a cultural and/or religious and/or economic basis, not because we "dominate" them.  They envy our wealth, our freedom, our open society.

Who is comparing the American president to Adolph Hitler?  Where in the world does America systematically round up, warehouse, torture, starve, and kill millions of people just because of their ethnicity?  You may disagree with everything George Bush is and stands for to your very core, and that's cool with me; lots of good people died protecting your right to do so openly.  I don't agree with him on everything either.  But to lump him or any American president in with a sick, twisted, pure evil piece of filth like Hitler is more than a tad far fetched.

Why is it that some Americans today feel the need to apologize to the world for us being a world leader?  Would they rather us not be leaders?  Would they leave that task to Iraq, or Russia, or China?  Do they really think things would be better if that were the case?  Why do we have a need to be "loved" by the world.  Do I wish we could, in the words of Rodney King, "all just get along" ?  Sure, but until that day arrives, we need to have military bases in 144 countries.  We need to go to Iraq and kill evil people before they kill us.  The generation that saved the world from true domination understood that, and it seems to be a lesson lost on some Americans today.

Enough ranting from me - back to your regularly scheduled post....
If not for our kindness and generousity we would not be at war. We would have leveled central Iraq in a matter of hours and started from scratch and dared anyone to bitch.
Ya only got ONE problem, Iran is ALREADY a Sand Box  

like someone saying, "We're gonna bomb the Afgans into the Stone Age". BIG problem, they're already there
This topic always amuses me. The media says how oil companies are making fat cash while we suffer. Not true. Yes they are making a profit. They wouldn't be in business if they didn't. But oil companies make up to about 8 cents on the gallon and a lot of times they barely break even. Want lower prices, go after the government. They are making over 50 cents on the gallon.

Ethanol is cheaper because the government funds it. Wait till they stop doing that. It costs more to make Ethanol than it does to make gas. Unless oil goes above $100/barrel, and stays there, this country will not be able to make Ethanol a primary fuel.

To the one about the semi drivers going on strike, go ahead, that's just more freight for us railroaders which in turn increases my income. That would be fine by me
I havent been to Iraq-- And I wish to God that NONE of you went for the pretense of a police action --such as it is.
I think there are multiple reasons for this action-- but none of them- in my opinion were valid
-- and the Neo-Cons could care less for loss of life on any "side".
BUT I would contribute a large sum at the pump if that would stop the insanity.

It wont- and they that have been in control, wont stop at will.
Those currently in the military have no other choice than to believe in whatever their current comander & chief orders and their eyes?...anything less than 100% belief in the mission assigned would be borderline thinking ends where the dotted line of uncle sams contract begins..and if you sign it and take the oath?...then you've become assimulated...part of the collective...and the choice of free thinking no longer exists for such a person.

Seen Tenet lately?...didja hear how he sat back and looked on as Colin Powell unknowingly took one for the team?...based on fabricated intel?

How did we initially invade afganistan and completely LOSE bin laden but then plow on into iraq and managed to wipe out sadams entire admin and kill him after letting him live long enough to watch us kill his sons?...but no bin laden?

The american citizen spoke volumes at the last mid-term elections...and they still didn't get the fugging message.

L8R, Bill.
The war has nothing to do with the price at the pump.

I'm all for keeping the war over there instead of over here

Just need to make sure our troops are getting everything they need.
If gas went up to $5 a gallon, to bring them home, would you pay it? Of course you would. We ALL would.[/Quote]
Don't presume for one second to speak for me, I can handle that thank you very much
I do not presume to speak for those in uniform but if I did I'd be <s>asking</s> demanding that you apologise for suggesting that they're worth is measured in dollars.
The oil compnies are all saying that its a shortage . Every summer , come on ! Thats a load of crap . Maybe if everyone stops driving those big oversized SUVs and trucks that get 10 MPG there wouldn't be any shortage . We are using WAY more than our share of the worlds patrolium.
(pward76 @ May 12 2007,14:07) Who is comparing the American president to Adolph Hitler?  
The Russian president Putin recently made a speech where he likened the Bush administration to Hitlers Third Reich.  Do a search on it - he made some pretty pointed comments about the US - kind of alarming when you remember they still have a zillion nukes laying around over there (Russia).