How often do we wash our busa's

If there's time to wash it, there's time to ride it!  Proud owner of the filthiest Busa on the board!  

About twice a year    

And I've had the honor of seeing that thing up close and personal. I believe it got almost as filthy as my old KX-125's
I use this stuff called The Bomb never use any water and it works great its a Cleaner/wax spray. Even with bugs its never scratched the paint and looks great. When I used to show my Mustang in shows did the same thing and it worked great.
Bout once a week , wash with soap and water , blow dry with leaf blower and then wax , works great on a my black 06

hahaha! Blow dry with a leaf blower... that's funny!

I've just been using a wet towel. I wax it maybe once every 2wks.
I use an electric leaf blower as well. It works much better than compressed air, and gets water out of all the little nooks and crannies. I still wipe it a little bit with microfiber towels since chasing every drop off big surfaces is a waste of time. The leafblower is the way to go!
Bought my K5 in Oct of 04... Maybe I should start thinking about washing her.... I usually just wait for it to rain then ride fast "Biker Boyz Style" on the yellow painted lines in the middle of the road before my 3 mile race down a dirt road.
After every ride. Typically I use Pledge. Yes....Pledge. Works great! I use WD-40 on the wheels because it cuts the chain lube off the rear very well..

As long as you keep up with it, you don't have to do an actual "wash" very often..
Doesn't WD-40 make the wheels pick up dust worse?
I was also wondering about the WD-40,Just wondering if you run through some rain if the residue would wash down on your tires and cause you to have a bad day.
a least twice a week and after every ride , never ride in wet ... i'm using Sonax's and TurtleWax's chemicals plus an air compressor .

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"wash" is a relative term.  after every ride i wipe her down with plexus or honda cleaner.  and I polish it every few weeks.... damn polished frame/rims/accessories... oh well the price we play to shine right?  I use "heavy metal" brand polishes and mothers billet aluminum afterwards. takes forever.

Sadly it's sitting under a cover in honolulu until november
when I get to ride it again. (i'm in nyc now)

I never "wash" it in terms of soap and water. too much trouble with waterspots.

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I have 2 terry cloth towels I have only used on bikes for many years, (very soft). Before each ride I wet one, and wipe with it, and dry behind it with the dry one. That is in between washings in which I use Mcgrires wash, and the Gold wax.Then of coarse Bushes allum. polish on the polished parts, and I also use the leaf blower after a wash.
I wash my bike everytime I ride, which is almost everyday. I never wet wash it though. I have lots of polish and chrome, so wet washing just is a pian in the butt for me. Don't laugh, but I hit the whole body with Honda Polish, then clean the chrome rims with amonia free windex. I try not to let anything get on the polish, and prolly hit it with mother's like twice a month.
I spend WAY.... tomuch on the honda spray cleaner polish aswell !!
