How old/young

Just wanted to get you guys' opinions on something. Now, I realize that in the long range of things it really doesn't matter, but as a society we all have our ideas and opinions.
Now, on to the question.....If a guy is 37 (me), how old is too old of a woman for me to date, and how young is too young? I realize this is an off the wall question, but alot of people have hang-ups and I am just curious as to what you guys think.
Why are you asking this question at 37? Whatever floats your boat. If you don't care about what people think then 18 to 78 is a good range.
Well, I do care in a sense, but then again, I don't care. It may not make sense to you, but it seems to make sense to the other people on the baord.
I just don't wanna hear a bunch of B.S. comments behind me back.
Well, there is this one girl, she is 24. She is really sweet, cool and fun to be with, but there is obvioulsy 13yrs difference, and I kinda wonder how things will change as she matures. There is another that is 42, and she is cool too. I just know from experience that it is hard for women to put up with someone that races all the time, and am kinda curious as to which one will accept the fact easier. If I go with the younger then people will say stuff like...I knew she was too young to understand, and if I go with the older then people will be like...Dating a grandma, what did ya expect. You know, just crap like that. It bugs the snot out of me!!!
I've been in your situation GSX. All joking aside, picture yourself with the Busa and one of them on the back. The one with the smile is the keeper. Good luck
They BOTH look good on the Busa!!!! LOL!!! That is another problem!! Hehehehe
Well, there is this one girl, she is 24. She is really sweet, cool and fun to be with, but there is obvioulsy 13yrs difference, and I kinda wonder how things will change as she matures. There is another that is 42, and she is cool too. I just know from experience that it is hard for women to put up with someone that races all the time, and am kinda curious as to which one will accept the fact easier. If I go with the younger then people will say stuff like...I knew she was too young to understand, and if I go with the older then people will be like...Dating a grandma, what did ya expect. You know, just crap like that. It bugs the snot out of me!!!
hrmm...if that's the case, just be up front with 'em. Let 'em know what you like doin and see where it goes from there.

A good number of times they'll accept it for now and then trash you later. When it gets to that point, you need to decide which is better suited at maintaining your sanity.

If they don't understand you and aren't willing to make some compromises (that goes for you too), then the relationship is only going to sour and get worse.

IMHO, though.
ehh.. im 24, so i prob have no room to talk. when i was 22, i dated a 26 year old (she was great), but now im 24, and am dating a 22 y/o (she MAY be a keeper)
but i will have to say that age shouldnt matter. and as Mrgxr said, the law will tell u how young is to young.
in all seriousness <Dr. Mick here> I have found that generally when your dating a person it best to find a person in between 8-10 years either younger or older. The reason for this principal is that generally a generation difference doesnt change to a point where you neither have much in common, and you both can share highlights about things in life that you both have experienced. Need more advice my office hours are M-S anytime Im on...
biggrin.gif you say... PLUS ONE?
I agree. dating someone within 10 yrs of your age is preferable. My reasoning behind it is that you both would have grown up in the same era and listened to relatively the same music and both could have alot to talk about and laugh about growing up.

when you get outside of this range I feel you loose alot of common things to talk about... I may be wrong but thats just my opinion.
Since my Divorce i use the 1/2 your age +7 formula. seems to work well for me

I'm 37 so... 25 it is... But i will go a a couple years either way.

But i'm a sick #######. I also use the 3/100 rule. 3 dates or $100. if i'm not in... I'm gone.

OK i'm joking a little. if your happy and both are LEGAL who cares about the age honestly. I really don't care what others thnik about my personal life.
Who cares. I'm 47 and my wife is 26. I just allow a little more in the grocery budget for candy and cookies.

My rule of thumb since I turned 18 is "17 AND UNDER WILL GET YOU 20(YRS IN PRISON) THATS ABOUT IT! I've dated from 11 yrs older to about 8 yrs younger do what is right for you.
There is an 11 year difference between Paul and I.
sometimes we notice a difference not because of age, but because he was in the NAVY and did so much in those 4 years that it's out of his system.
You just have to be willing to compromise. But thats in ANY relationship
As I heard one man say to the other man..."If there big enough to bleed there old enough for me, and the second man replied forget that if there big enough to pee there old enough for me...wonder where he's at today......seeing Bubba I would
Don't forget the old standby... "If there's grass on the infield, play ball!"

I am so going to hell when I die...
