... Anyway, to make a Real Long Story Short, Having a Turbo Motorcycle has ruined me. Non-Turbo bikes will never do, ever again (for me).
+1 Having a TC/SC bike really does ruin you for all other bikes.
Anyway, I'll chime in on the reliability issue here. I put about 10K miles on my SC'd bike (not a busa) and those miles were fun as hell and trouble free. Then something broke and I'm looking at about $4K to $5K for the repairs which are nearly complete now.
I have no regrets and I'm not taking my bike back to stock, but things do break more often when you push the limits of the bike. I personally know folks who have blown clutch baskets, seized pistons, broke crankshafts (that's what I did), and so on by using forced induction.
Maybe the Busa is a better platform. I'm definitely thinking of a TC for mine. But I would just caution you to go in with eyes wide open. Enjoy the miles you get, but be financially prepared and willing for something to break. I think this same issue applies to cars too.
I say go for it. The ride is just amazing.
Hopefully I'm not out of place with these remarks being a newbie on the forum here.