How to be a better white person in 2020

After reading that, I think I already am a pretty OK white guy. What struck me, was that if we had an article written by a white person about how to be a better black person, there'd be an outcry. It would never even get published. I know I know I know that's because white is what is "typical" and there is no reason to complain about being white. Being white makes life a picnic.

Statistically, black people are a minority but in interns of every day existence, I haven't really considered black people to be a minority in decades. I think being a minority is totally irrelevant. Being a minority is being "something else", not the norm. WHAT ???Black people aren't the norm??? Look at our culture if you think blackness is not totally and completely mainstream since 1985. We all want the same things out of life, right?

The unfortunate segregated urban masses are largely black, yes. I do not think it is because they are black. I see too many highly successful black people who are taking part in the prosperity of America because they have had strong family values. That's it. That's what makes or breaks you and it got nothin to do what color you are.

I know many white kids here in my cloistered little NW Wisconsin town. I fear many of them will fall through the cracks of society. White privilege probably will not have much impact on their lives. Single parent, alcoholism, drug addiction, unemployment .....all that stuff you normally think of when you think of the ghetto---it's right here and we have no black folks at all.

It's not so much a matter of color. That's the take-home, IMHO.
Well, here we have another one of those topics which will seperate opinions (unfortunately). Like I talked to @fallenarch and @Mr Brown before in private messages - I think it is a shame that still till this day we separate ourselves thru race or color.
I was fortunate enough that I grew up in Germany (around the 80s/90s) and had many different nations around me my whole life. My school was multicultural and out of 21 students in my class we were about 5 Germans.The rest were from all over the place...
I learned a lot thru those years from my friends and their families. I was invited in many different cultural (homes) and spend quite some time with them. They teached me about their authentic way of living and I am more than grateful for that.
Also have my parents always made sure that we traveled to different countries when we had holidays in school. I got around lots and saw and learned things most people wont. I have seen the pretty and the bad. It shapes your idea of the world and gives you a very different outlook.
The most racist people are the ones who seperate themself from other colors and are the ones who have NEVER travelled or met anyone who is not like them.
The racists we have left in Germany are the same white trash (like in the US) living in little towns in their own little bubble and don't know better or different. None the less those people are still dangerous. Especially when we have too many of them!

What I have learned over the years is that we are all the same worth or worthless. We have our different opinions and cultural believes- but that wont separate us from each other. It actually makes the world more interesting.

Going back in German history, I know also what it means to be resent and rejected only for the fact of being German because of the things what my grand or great grandparents have done.
I remember many situations (especially in the US) where I got called out for just because of being German. The word naz*i and hitler was the first thing i heard usually. The same people who have a problem with blacks, asians,mexicans....called me a naz*i. Makes no sense whatsoever.

What I am trying to say here is, no matter where you are from or what you believe in - Be PROUD and continue to be and do so.
I could not even imagine what the world would be without the things black people invented or what they do in which they are so much better than (whites) are...
Speaking about food, music, acting...let alone dancing lol...the list goes on and on...!
I took this a step further this evening . Spent a good amount of time with my neighbor , and friend Roland who is a mids 50's black male . Listening to his story how he broke out of the projects ( 120 South park was the address ) it was a moving experience . I could see him fighting back some tears in his eyes .
We discussed some black culture , ethics , morals , schools , and family .
Roland started working at age 9 to help his mother who had 5 children on her own . His real father was a alcoholic , and not present in their lives .
He pulled out a passion speech he wrote about 7 or 8 years ago for work . He let me share it with you guys .
We talked about this discussion here . Ill send him the link to Root later this evening .
I zoomed in on the next several photos so it can be read

It’s not that I hate them or anything - I just really don’t want to be seen with them..... Harley Davidsons of course !
As for all you guys :), well the reason we are here is we share an appreciation for a great motorcycle. On this site a persons colour, gender, country and religion is irrelevant. People helping people and sharing advice and experience to the betterment of everyone. Truly a great place and thanks to all who make it such !!
As long as people keep labeling each other, dwelling on the past and looking for a problem, things will never change or get better.

True, and let's have patience for the process; that should help with tensions. Forgetting the past can also include forgetting that someone killed a loved one of yours. It's not simply flipping a switch. The travesty of our history and racism today is monumental. Eventually with open thinking it'll fade, but to expect a finished product currently now is idealistic.
Compassion and empathy go a long way here.
Real Simple, dont go to work and deal with Stupid people!
"The Root" is generally a good source of African American intellectual discourse, although it does have it's radical moments and contributors. As I read this it clearly exposes truths people like me know and experience daily. I guess the big question for me is whether fair or not an advantage is an advantage, how many people would give that up in the name of morality and justice? For most people "good" has it's limitations and self interest usually over rules our "best selves". Many here will not get this at all. But rather than taking of it as an accusation against white people, read it as a fairly factual assessment of the real situation in this country - at least from an African American POV. If nothing else, it's a glimpse into what that Black guy you know is thinking. Do with that what you will, just throwing it out there more or less as information most here will not usually be privy to.

Short reply:
Who a person really is gets determined in part by DNA and in part by nurturing. While I try not to judge people, I do have the right to decide who I associate with. That is predicated only by values and behavior. It has nothing to do with appearance.

In the modern world, post year 2000 the worst openly practiced racism I have experienced was in the Middle East against people from the Philippines and India. Because they have no rights, in all cases they remain humble and appreciative. They have only two choices, fight the system and go to jail, or leave and go to their home country.

I moved to the US permanently in 2001 and really appreciate being here, also proud to have become a citizen. In my almost 20 years here now, the ONLY place I have personally experienced racism based on color when interacting with people is here on the Busa forum. It comes from two guys. The result is that I no longer spend a lot of time here.

Before departing, I can offer them some advice:
Do what I did, I traced my origins back to the year 1741 and know exactly where I came from. It reminds me every day how lucky I am to be an American and live in this wonderful country.
Short reply:
Who a person really is gets determined in part by DNA and in part by nurturing. While I try not to judge people, I do have the right to decide who I associate with. That is predicated only by values and behavior. It has nothing to do with appearance.

In the modern world, post year 2000 the worst openly practiced racism I have experienced was in the Middle East against people from the Philippines and India. Because they have no rights, in all cases they remain humble and appreciative. They have only two choices, fight the system and go to jail, or leave and go to their home country.

I moved to the US permanently in 2001 and really appreciate being here, also proud to have become a citizen. In my almost 20 years here now, the ONLY place I have personally experienced racism based on color when interacting with people is here on the Busa forum. It comes from two guys. The result is that I no longer spend a lot of time here.

Before departing, I can offer them some advice:
Do what I did, I traced my origins back to the year 1741 and know exactly where I came from. It reminds me every day how lucky I am to be an American and live in this wonderful country.
How nice to be able to escape the racism you feel you've suffered by simply going elsewhere.
I hope you see the irony in all of this, but I somehow doubt you do.
More racism from the usual suspects. Sad. As a motorcycle forum that has many people that share the same passion that even here we are being blamed and divided.

I come here for motorcycles and camaraderie. I don't need to have that divided by color. I don't care what color the person is who starts it. It's wrong here. Period. Guess i'll escape by going elsewhere as well.