How To Break-In New Bike?


When do I do oil changes? WHat to look for? and what revs/speed to be at considering miles. Thanks
Seek for your answers in the owner's manual, young padawan learner. In that most holy of books, you will discover the answers to this mystery!


600 miles for the first oil change, 4,000 for the next one.
Follow Suzuki's recommendations for break-in.
Like Wag said follow the owner's manual! The most important thing is to vary the RPMs.
Drop it off at my place. Dont worry, I will break it in for ya.
Well I want to know what to do on my way home before I have a chance to read the manual. Dealership is about 50 miles away. How should I ride? Should I get oil and do a change when I get home?
Dealer would give you the staight poop. First 100 are the most importiant.
Vary speed keep RPMs low. I cant remember. 4000 sounds right. Just dont twist to far. It will hit that 4000 RPMs fast as you blink.
(PJ267 @ Jul. 30 2007,10:10) Well I want to know what to do on my way home before I have a chance to read the manual.  Dealership is about 50 miles away.  How should I ride?  Should I get oil and do a change when I get home?
Ride it like you stole it