How to calculate a 787 Billion


Dis in my way!
Staff member
On the news tonight they gave an example of how much money we are putting into the Stimulas package.... Here is how they explained it....

1 Billion Dollars

If you took $1000.00 bills and put them on top of each other they would make a stack that was 63 miles high, a typical passenger jet flys about 7 miles up.

787 Billion

If you took $1000.00 bills and put them on top of each other they would make a stack that was 49,581 miles high, the space station orbits the earth at about 250 miles....

I just can't fathom the numbers.... I had to watch this report several times to make sure I got the numbers right.....

Very sad......Lets all hope for the best! I'm suppose to retire this summer. What a crappy time to exit from a very stable income.

the big question: where is it going to come from? Do we have enough paper and ink to print this much moolah?
the big question: where is it going to come from? Do we have enough paper and ink to print this much moolah?

Credit... never needs paper..... just the shuffling of computer files.
Or Roughly $2300 for every man women and Child in the U.S. right now...

SO family of Five, Mom, Dad, three kids... = $11,500

Pretty sure I know how that stimulus money should be spent.

I imagine I could Stimulate the local economy just fine with $4600...
Or say your block has 8 homes per side of the street, each home has an average of 3 people in it... Roughly $110,400 per Joe average Suburban block.
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Sad, real sad and the worst part?

Won't fix a thing. (I'll leave it at that)

I know what it is.. See it is all going to be credit, and once its all in the computer systems,, there will be some massive virus come along and BAM wipes it all out..
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787 billion is $2,156,164,383 per day for 1 year.

...or If you put $1 million dollars in the bank every single day since the year "0" until 2009 you still would not have 787 billion dollars.
Sad, real sad and the worst part?

Won't fix a thing. (I'll leave it at that)


This bill will put us into a longer lasting downturn than if they did nothing. IMO they know this and don't care. The goal is to make sure they are in power forever in a socialist system that they are crafting. We will wind up living in government dependant mediocrity at best.
Has anyone read the bill or are we all basing our opinions on what we get from the talking heads?

What really bothers me is not what is in the bill, but that it was pushed through without being thoughtfully considered. It might be a silver bullet, who knows?

I would at least like to know that the guys we pay in DC have actually read the bill.

Didn't we learn anything from the passing of the Patriot act?
Regardless of what is in the bill....the dollar amount is 787 billion.

I doubt that every one who voted on the bill read all 1400 pages.
I wonder is this thing does not happen... Would it lead to a second great depression? Would there be mass migrations across the United States? Would people decide to go back to Europe or their own old country to seek a better life?
Maybe it would lead to people living smaller, smaller homes, smaller cars, smaller waistlines, smaller commutes and smaller consumption.
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Off the top of my head, I think it's 787 billion $1 bills that would stack up that high, not $1000 bills....also, I greatly enjoyed your post about easing off on political threads. This might not have intended as such, but some members, and I won't name any names (runeight) have jumped right on the old wagon. This old wagon is tired of arguing. Riding season had better get here quickly :please:
Has anyone read the bill or are we all basing our opinions on what we get from the talking heads?

I'm reading it. You can too from either or from the White House ARRA review page.

We all need to be better informed on where our money is going.

What really bothers me is not what is in the bill, but that it was pushed through without being thoughtfully considered. It might be a silver bullet, who knows?

Time will tell to be sure, but even the Congressional Budget Office has doubts. A quote from the Washington Times says, "President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday."

Didn't we learn anything from the passing of the Patriot act?

Short answer is "No". I did not like a lot of what was in the "Patriot Act". I pay the government to fix my roads, not run my life.
Iraq has cost 500 billion since 2003. So maybe 787 billion is not that much.

1,000,000,000,000,000 (one thousand million million; 1015; SI prefix peta-) - for all short scale countries - increasingly common meaning in English language usage

Please begin to make yourself comfortable with the term it is being thrown around a little now.
Off the top of my head, I think it's 787 billion $1 bills that would stack up that high, not $1000 bills....also, I greatly enjoyed your post about easing off on political threads. This might not have intended as such, but some members, and I won't name any names (runeight) have jumped right on the old wagon. This old wagon is tired of arguing. Riding season had better get here quickly :please:

I triple checked.... its 1000.00