How to land in a crash.

After thinking
 for a while, I can't think of a crash I had on a track or my one on the street, that I had time to think about how I was going to land
. It happen so fast your just there
 ! If I had time to think about how to land, I would assume I either had time to avoid the accident or stop. But figuring out how best to land or slide
 Naaaaaaaaa, it happens too fast
. I would just relax, and go with the flow  
+1 DaCol

It happens so fast that you're just along for the ride! Wear the gear!

If you have time to think about how to land then you just wasted time! You should have been trying to stop or swerve.

Maybe if you're doing like 10mph you might be able to think about it, but not if you were coming down from 55mph!

Oh crap.... what was that thread?... Oh yea.. "How to land in a crash., Whats the best way to hit the pavement?" lesse post number 9...

Matrix style landing...

If you t bone a car more than likely u will not be going over it, you will be going through the window or making a quick stop right at the doors. If you lucky an you can hit on the side towards the front or rear of the car  you get to plan your tumble or roll over the car. Instead of planning ur roll an impact try caution, anticipation of the others mistakes an avoiding. when u fill ur head with all that while riding u really won't have much time to plan ur roll. Keep it shiny side up.
I disagree with this, It has happened to me and I DID go over the car. A couple of riders I know did the same. There are more cars on the road than vans or trucks/suv so chances are a vehicle collision will likely involve a car, which are being built with lower profiles and more sloped winshields every year. At the moment you realize you can't avoid the collision you will instinctively prepare yourself to try to have your body go over the car, knowing your bike will smack against it. The legs of course are the hardest to clear, hence my fractured patella and femur.

From my personal experience, slow speed incidents should be a roll with arms and legs tucked close. Keeping in mind a roll will require longer distances before stopping which may cause you to impact on fixed objects sucj as guardrails and poles. Higher speeds should be like the GP riders, large contact area with pavement, alternating on the various friction zones of your protective gear.

Mike B
When I got Tboned I hiot the ground the same way as when I snowboard, hands to chest (protects wrist) then I tried my best to land on my shoulder blade back area (most bone protecting organs), keep head off ground then go limp before impact. I don't know how much of that worked as that split second went by but that is always my goal to take a hard hit. Haven't broken anything yet snowboarding or otherwise and I have taken some pretty big bombers. Happens to fast on concrete to really have "control" of the spill.