What is it? How do I get it? What do I need to do once I have it? Who do I send it to next? Questions that the inquiring mind want to know.
The cookie jar is a way to share a common feel good form of food we all love…COOKIES. Besides cookies you will be passing on goodwill to fellow Org members along with your own favorite cookie recipe and some personal thoughts.
What is it?
The cookie jar consists of the following items: A cookie container (Rubbermaid locking tub); a journal and a thumb drive.
This is what the Cookie Jar looked like heading out for its first destination (JayWillie)
You will receive a Rubbermaid container filled with the sending members favorite cookies. The container will fit into a small USPS shipping box so it will be easy to ship both State side and overseas while helping to keep costs down. The container will hold ~ 4 dozen cookies depending on what you bake.
The Journal is a booklet that is for you to write down any message you would like to pass on to the next member who will receive the cookies, but mainly these thoughts will be included into the recipe book I will be putting together come next December. Let them be something from your heart. If you do not want them shared in the recipe book but prefer to have them just for those who get the cookies, just make a note at the end and we will respect your wishes.
The Thumb drive is for you to put your recipe for the cookies you are sending and some photos of the cookie jar in fun places you may want to take it to along with sending a great shot of you and your bike (or just your bike(s) if you wish). There is a readme.txt file on the root directory of the thumb drive explaining what you need to do in putting your data on the drive. I am asking that we stick with .txt files and .jpg as our format so as to prevent complications with various versions of word processing programs and nonstandard image formats.
I have enclosed the journal, thumb drive and pen in a separate ziplock bag to prevent any moisture damage that might occur in transport…the cookies will be protected in their container separately. Please be sure to include everything in the package when you ship it on to the next person. The drive and book are going to be our way of preserving the memories and data of its journey this next year.
How do I get it?
There is a pinned thread on the Traveling Cookie Jar in Random Thoughts. Interest in a traveling cookie jar? | Random Thoughts
Please go to the last page of the post and see where the cookie trail is at. As of this writing this post the Cookie Trail looks like this and this is the path the cookie jar will be taking:
Dr. E ----> Jay Willie ----> Zukracer ----> Dino -----> BADAZGTP ----> (Rubber2Burn) ----->flippnswitchez-------Theskaz------> B@DA$$08BUS@-------> CaBusaGirl----->MrsGrumpy---->Next in Line
The way you get added to this list is look to the last name on the cookie trail and PM that member your shipping address.
If you are the last name on the list, it is very important that you update the Cookie Trail with the first Org member who PM’s you their shipping address, not just their name, but address as well. Once you get their name you need to update the trail as soon as possible to show that members name as the last one on the list. Then it becomes that persons responsibility to post up the name they receive just like you did
The trail is how we keep this moving. Remember the rule is we go with the first PM'd address you get. If you have sent your name to an Org member but another name appears instead of yours, please PM that person as you just missed being the first person to send the information to the previous name.
If you have the cookies and you do not have any address to send them on to, simply post up on this Interest in a traveling cookie jar? | Random Thoughts
thread that you are looking for someone to ship the cookie jar to.
If there are questions, please feel free to PM me. The goal is to keep this is going and for it to be fun and to see what everybody comes up with for recipes, thought and picture opportunities.
BIG BIG NOTE: If you have allergies to Nuts or other things, please note them in your email with your address when asking to be added to the cookie trail! We do not want to have something sent you that would cause problems.
I am really looking forward to putting together the Tales of the Traveling Cookies Cookbook next December based on what everyone contributes. We are a big family spread far and wide around the world…it is going to be fun to put together something we all have an equal opportunity to be a part of as a group.
Remember…Cookies are always a good thing!
What is it? How do I get it? What do I need to do once I have it? Who do I send it to next? Questions that the inquiring mind want to know.
The cookie jar is a way to share a common feel good form of food we all love…COOKIES. Besides cookies you will be passing on goodwill to fellow Org members along with your own favorite cookie recipe and some personal thoughts.
What is it?
The cookie jar consists of the following items: A cookie container (Rubbermaid locking tub); a journal and a thumb drive.
This is what the Cookie Jar looked like heading out for its first destination (JayWillie)
You will receive a Rubbermaid container filled with the sending members favorite cookies. The container will fit into a small USPS shipping box so it will be easy to ship both State side and overseas while helping to keep costs down. The container will hold ~ 4 dozen cookies depending on what you bake.
The Journal is a booklet that is for you to write down any message you would like to pass on to the next member who will receive the cookies, but mainly these thoughts will be included into the recipe book I will be putting together come next December. Let them be something from your heart. If you do not want them shared in the recipe book but prefer to have them just for those who get the cookies, just make a note at the end and we will respect your wishes.
The Thumb drive is for you to put your recipe for the cookies you are sending and some photos of the cookie jar in fun places you may want to take it to along with sending a great shot of you and your bike (or just your bike(s) if you wish). There is a readme.txt file on the root directory of the thumb drive explaining what you need to do in putting your data on the drive. I am asking that we stick with .txt files and .jpg as our format so as to prevent complications with various versions of word processing programs and nonstandard image formats.
I have enclosed the journal, thumb drive and pen in a separate ziplock bag to prevent any moisture damage that might occur in transport…the cookies will be protected in their container separately. Please be sure to include everything in the package when you ship it on to the next person. The drive and book are going to be our way of preserving the memories and data of its journey this next year.
How do I get it?
There is a pinned thread on the Traveling Cookie Jar in Random Thoughts. Interest in a traveling cookie jar? | Random Thoughts
Please go to the last page of the post and see where the cookie trail is at. As of this writing this post the Cookie Trail looks like this and this is the path the cookie jar will be taking:
Dr. E ----> Jay Willie ----> Zukracer ----> Dino -----> BADAZGTP ----> (Rubber2Burn) ----->flippnswitchez-------Theskaz------> B@DA$$08BUS@-------> CaBusaGirl----->MrsGrumpy---->Next in Line
The way you get added to this list is look to the last name on the cookie trail and PM that member your shipping address.
If you are the last name on the list, it is very important that you update the Cookie Trail with the first Org member who PM’s you their shipping address, not just their name, but address as well. Once you get their name you need to update the trail as soon as possible to show that members name as the last one on the list. Then it becomes that persons responsibility to post up the name they receive just like you did
The trail is how we keep this moving. Remember the rule is we go with the first PM'd address you get. If you have sent your name to an Org member but another name appears instead of yours, please PM that person as you just missed being the first person to send the information to the previous name.
If you have the cookies and you do not have any address to send them on to, simply post up on this Interest in a traveling cookie jar? | Random Thoughts
thread that you are looking for someone to ship the cookie jar to.
If there are questions, please feel free to PM me. The goal is to keep this is going and for it to be fun and to see what everybody comes up with for recipes, thought and picture opportunities.
BIG BIG NOTE: If you have allergies to Nuts or other things, please note them in your email with your address when asking to be added to the cookie trail! We do not want to have something sent you that would cause problems.
I am really looking forward to putting together the Tales of the Traveling Cookies Cookbook next December based on what everyone contributes. We are a big family spread far and wide around the world…it is going to be fun to put together something we all have an equal opportunity to be a part of as a group.
Remember…Cookies are always a good thing!