Let me guess... Some azzhole crashed a train while talking on the fone?
don't get me started with the who cell phones... we survived as a responsible society before them so I don't feel it's unreasonable for an employer to require them to be off unless the employee is on their scheduled break/lunch time.
more posts since I started typing... There's no such thing as privacy. If I suspect an emplyoee doing something wrong then I can take means to identify my suspicions. It's not a democracy. Show me the phone or quit
Scar, my point is not using them on Company time.
My point is that I can walk up to you, demand to see your phone, turn it on and see who you called and when you used it.
Times like these call for drastic measures.
There was a time in the fairly recent past in which cell phones did not exist. Before that time, people still managed to contact family during emergencies. Cell phones have changed the concept of what constitutes an emergency. Personally, I am tired of people's perceived inability to go without a cell phone.
Just wondering how the oRg members would feel about this. I sent Sambusa an email I received and he was surprised to say the least.
There is a new policy where I work that has everyone up in arms. Basically it states that the Company Officials have the right to inspect your cell phone while on duty. If it is on...fired. If it is off they have the right to turn it on and browse your calling history. If calls were made within your tour of duty..fired. If you answer your phone while on duty..fired.
Invasion of privacy? Getting carried away?
At this time policy states while stopped you can use it but feel that will change soon. I told you that this was going to get bad in another thread and it has.
If the company wants the phone off then it should be off or left at home. But in no way does it give them the right to go through my phone when I haven't even done anything wrong.
Invasion of privacy & Getting carried away....
This is way to much ..... Way over the line...
ok, i have sort of a different opinion on this, everything on a cell phone is deleteable, the texts,the outgoing calls the incoming calls, so whats the problem here ? in your specific situation r8, where no one is around to prove that you are on the cell, you could just delete everything b4 you get to the station just my .02 $
No need to mention Company Scar. Irrelevant.
Yes, others are going the wrong direction. It's inspecting your phone at will to "see if you have been using it" not using it. We have had that directive concerning use for several years.
So it's been against the rules for several years to use it on company time ???
Sounds like people have NOT been obeying the rules and management has had
to take it to the next level.