how would you handle a neighbour like mine?

I had a neighbor that was totaly bonkers too. I planted a privet hedge & it is now 10' tall.
It has done wonder for my blood pressure. :whistle:
Open up a couple bottles of beer, walk over there and have some suds with him. Make sure you talk to him about keeping the animals under control.

If he's not accommodating, pull the plugs.


This is probably the best approach..
ok.. i bought a house jan. of 2008 and i was very excited about new house, very quiet neighbourhood and very good location and low crime. the only thing i was not preapred for was my next door neighbour, lovely wife and 3 kids and recently two dogs that he can not control and put them on the leash.
the other day my cat wondering around in my garrage and one of his dogs running after my cat in my house try to take a bite out of him.
he told me the other day that don't use sprinkle system becuase the breeze will get his truck wet and he just washed his truck!
i was watering my yard the other day he always got to make comments like" why are you bothring with that, the winter is around corner"

his dogs poop in my front yard and he says that it is a fertilizer!!!
the other day he told me that "does your cat stays out", my cat is indoor cat by the way, i told him why, he said because there is cat paws print on his truck and he wants to buy a new truck and wants to make sure that does not happen to his new truck!!
this guy always have to make comments about everything and make suggestion on what i should do.
his carreer must have something to do with it i guess, he is in security business not sure what kind but he does teach people israel self defense and fire arm!and he is from israel!
any ideas folk? trying to keep peace in nighbourhood!:banghead::banghead:
Just ignore the raghead bastard. Don't even give him the time of day. Walk away as he's talking to you like he isn't even there. He only flaps his sand encrusted lips because you listen. I had a neighbor like him only much older. Once he started the neighbor wars I gave him unrelenting hell till he had a stroke and died. Happiest day of my life :thumbsup: But he was also the most evil, ill-tempered unhappy individual I've ever met. He gave everyone grief, just gave us the most because we were direct neighbors. Believe me I returned the favor and then some though :laugh: It was so nice seeing them roll up the meat wagon and haul his sorry ass off.
When I was in College we lived next to the garbage man (hey poor starving College student). His dogs barked every morning at 5:00 a.m. We got tired of asking him to do something, so we started calling the Police. They started fining him & eventually took him to jail for the unpaid tickets. He moved.\

My next door neighbor hated the neighboor on the other side so he grew a hedge of red-tips 15' high.

I hated a neighbor down the street, turned me in to the city for building a garage myself w/ no permit. I sent freaky gay **** to all the neighbors around him w/ their address & his name on them. He moved after that.

All for ex-laxing the dog. It won't hurt the dog, just the owner.

I would collect all the dog crap from my lawn & put it on his door step right in front of the door. One step & we have a winner.
Well this is my 2 cents I am with Wag have a couple of brew with the fella and see if you guys can come to an agreement on the lowest possible level first then if that is unatainable then move to the next step and contact animal control for the dogs and let them handle that aspect of the situation. As far as the sprinkler system goes I would just find a time to turn them on so it that works to both of your benefits that way you do not cause any bad blood or start a rashion of Sh!t so you guys are not in constant turmoil. then if the crap continues contact the local LEO's and let them handle things no need to take matters into your own hands cause that is normally when thing go south and your could find yourself in a bad situation. Like someone else said VIDEO's and PIC's are your friends as well as documentation.
Well this is my 2 cents I am with Wag have a couple of brew with the fella and see if you guys can come to an agreement on the lowest possible level first then if that is unatainable then move to the next step and contact animal control for the dogs and let them handle that aspect of the situation. As far as the sprinkler system goes I would just find a time to turn them on so it that works to both of your benefits that way you do not cause any bad blood or start a rashion of Sh!t so you guys are not in constant turmoil. then if the crap continues contact the local LEO's and let them handle things no need to take matters into your own hands cause that is normally when thing go south and your could find yourself in a bad situation. Like someone else said VIDEO's and PIC's are your friends as well as documentation.

So far I think you and Mr Biscuit are the only two people on here talking any kind of sense!!

Never take matters into your own hands. It always comes back to bite you. I'm assuming you have a leash law? Ask him to obey it. Let him know that you don't appreciate having crap in your yard. Fertilizer or not. :laugh:

If that doesn't work document everything and get animal control involved. No need to harm the animal because the owner is a total f*** nut.

As for the sprinkler the sprinkler in such a way that it only waters your yard. If the wind is blowing the spray towards his truck then too are watering your own yard and he'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. He can always park it somewhere else.

Just my :2cents:
So far I think you and Mr Biscuit are the only two people on here talking any kind of sense!!

Never take matters into your own hands. It always comes back to bite you. I'm assuming you have a leash law? Ask him to obey it. Let him know that you don't appreciate having crap in your yard. Fertilizer or not. :laugh:

If that doesn't work document everything and get animal control involved. No need to harm the animal because the owner is a total f*** nut.

As for the sprinkler the sprinkler in such a way that it only waters your yard. If the wind is blowing the spray towards his truck then too are watering your own yard and he'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. He can always park it somewhere else.

Just my :2cents:

??? that's no fun
So far I think you and Mr Biscuit are the only two people on here talking any kind of sense!!

Never take matters into your own hands. It always comes back to bite you. I'm assuming you have a leash law? Ask him to obey it. Let him know that you don't appreciate having crap in your yard. Fertilizer or not. :laugh:

If that doesn't work document everything and get animal control involved. No need to harm the animal because the owner is a total f*** nut.

As for the sprinkler the sprinkler in such a way that it only waters your yard. If the wind is blowing the spray towards his truck then too are watering your own yard and he'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. He can always park it somewhere else.

Just my :2cents:

you make very good points here, he is an adult seems like a decent man, we all as neighbours must comprormise in some degree to help each other out and believe me i do alot of that but what he preaches i bet you he won't do himself and that is the problem and i think he needs to be put on his place,
some good points here i will use.
I see your from Houston, How about a Texas Busa Rally at your place this fall? That should line out your neighbor.

I had a neighbor whose dog came into my yard and kicked the crap out of my puppy and ate its food. I put the pellet gun to work. The dog left in a hurry, and I went to the front porch with pellet gun in hand so that the neighbor could see where his dog had been to be heard from 100 yards away and was in a hurry to get home. Dog never came back. Neighbor was a good guy after all.
:banghead::boohoo:Had a clown move in next to me that dealt drugs. WHAT a PAIN in the arse. Called LEO, called the County, had words with them. The bottom line was all the cars stopping by at all hours of the night. I had a few drinks and confronted his customers. Almost got into two fights in one day. Scerw it, called the LEO`s again, and again. Finally the scum was removed.
I don't worry about dogs coming into my yard too much. If they did, my dog would have a free lunch. :laugh: