HPC closed???

There really isn't any point to raise any more awareness to the shortfalls of an already failed business.

For some, things worked out fine. They got a fair price on an exhaust, it was bolted on, and the bike was cleaned and polished. Others may not have faired as well. At least there weren't to many stories of people getting burned. I'm sure the motorcycle community within the area of said shop will not suffer from this.
something about insurance coverage....if I remember right. Would sux if insurance coverage is what makes a small business go out of business.

Thats one of the expenses for a motorcycle dealer, insurance, that most people would choke if they knew how expensive it is.

Thats one of the expenses for a motorcycle dealer, insurance, that most people would choke if they knew how expensive it is.

So very true, hell our electric bill for a month made me really think about little things around the shop, turning lights off, shutting down the computers, the usually stuff.