Huge Crash and Drama in CT

(nerfboy @ Nov. 02 2006,17:48) Yes Timmyduck,   I understand you believe that to be the best technique.  But clearly in this situation that did not work.

Does anybody have experience with this technique working?  Or a recovery technique that did work when experiencing tank slapping?

Frankly attempting to wheelie as a recovery method seems pretty high risk with a pretty low chance of success.
The reason you add power and shift weight to the rear is to get the majority of you&bike's weight off the front. A wheelie will actually completely recover headshake/tank slapper because the front tire won't even be on the ground.

The negative to this is you will be increasing speed and its not a 100% guarrantee that it will work. But your only other choice is to do nothing and "hope" it stops...
thats goin to hurt in the morning
Good thing he had his gear on. Looks like that Icon armor helped out alot....Too bad the legs things are for guys with small calves.