Hwy 33 Crash ZX6r

I swear, those 07-08 ZX6R's are cursed! I had the very same bike and last summer someone ran a red and cut me off. Ive seen a few others riding those and the f'ed them up. I love kawi's, but never again.
That's the kind of stuff that scares the crap outta me ! I've been riding through amish country for the past few days, and I'm still waiting to hit horse doo-doo in a turn.

Glad this didn't turn out worse !!
@ 1:41 you can see his front tire jump up from the rock. The choice of music is, ummm, interesting.

That's also an expensive new pair of cut-off shorts he got!
Hes doing great... He just left the shop where we stored the bike. He on his way home with it to fix her....Found out insurance was liability only. Its on him... He has most the plastics already..