I am now officially broke and in debt.

very nice, wood floor makes a difference, i like them alot better than carpet, more expensive but last longer.
hey...looks like your dogs break in your carpets :laugh:
Just got back from the closing on my first house, GOD good thing I dont have a bike note on top of it, just insurance which is bad enough. Now my busa has a place to stay warm in the winter, right down in our heated basement. I will post some pics of house and such as we are moving in for who ever cares.

that sounds like smart investment.Post some pics when you get chance.
Holy He[[, What happenend to just taking the doors off the fridge to get into house. Took me and my buddy 1 hour just to get into house, and me an additional hour to get into place and put back together. Here is pic of new stove and washer.



:thumbsup: beautiful house man!

Is there a garage? I didn't read all of the thread yet... Let me go look :whistle:

No, no Garage. I am going to build a 2 1/2 car on left side of house where the parking spot is now. Gonna try and get the pad poured before winter, so throughout next spring, fall and summer I can get the rest of the garage built.