I am officially a Mod Addict!

Love those seat!!!! I'm about to sell a lung
so I can More money for Mods


For the Busa and cars I guess I've been told 6000K, told you can tell the difference between the 6 and 8 as a rider. Coming toward the bike the 6 is suppose to be white vs bluish tint of 8. I know everyone around here knows my bike day and night by the bluish tint. Another reason for going 6000K
6K is not bright white its a pinkish color. believe me i've had 4.3K, 5K (best IMO), and 6K. I just think the 6K and above have a cheaper look. I had them on my 05 GTO and on my 04 Maxima and both times thought that just had a cheesy pink look to them. These are Phillips kits too with phillips Ultinon bulbs which are the best you can buy. I think 5K is the best by far, bright pure white with a TOUCH of blue. 4.3K is bright white with a touch of yellow.
(06BUSA @ Mar. 15 2007,09:06)
(thepushercg @ Mar. 15 2007,10:49) there is a cure for the mod maddness
i will sell the secert for a mere 100 bucks.
just think of the money  you would save by having my secert.
But then how could I afford Ceramic bearings? Or Rizoma grips?
I am a addict.  And getting worse. The wife is gonna kill me.  
Tell her to accept it , It doeesn't get better!

(bacharles @ Apr. 10 2007,23:58) Hey Lilrock, whereabout in Louisiana are you from?
 I'm from Lake Charles.
Brian this is your boy Duhon! I've been trying to holla at you! Shoot me an email lilrock_72@yahoo.com. I remember you were asking about getting something powder coated. I may have some info for you.
Thanks justtight! I also installed 7 Color LED Wizard lights w/remote from Custom Dynamics and they are pretty sweet. I'll have to post some pics whenever I have a lil time.
Wow Lilrock, thats an amazing bike. I love it and for some reason those seats just bring it out and make it look killer. love the font for some reason hahah.