Correct on the Ninja 250. I took the MSF on one and flat footed much to my surprise. I just couldn't find the pedals so I could get it moving. The box was NOT cool.
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Correct on the Ninja 250. I took the MSF on one and flat footed much to my surprise. I just couldn't find the pedals so I could get it moving.
Now I have insulted MrsGrumpy I am hesitant to type another post!
I am a pitiful 5'1" and I hate being short. I have tried to throw my leg over hubby's Busa and I can't even tip toe on both sides at the same time.
I think being taller is as challenging as being short as I can tuck under that windscreen and disappear! Can you?
5'6 here i tip toe it...i tip toed my 600rr also.
i dont mind it when im by myself, but when sum1 on the back i gotta be careful cause the bike and the added weight of a passenger make it kinda hard to be balanced on tip toes.
Dog bones = 1 1/2 drop for $20.00 bucks and you are flat footed. Best $20.00 I spend on her to date!