I broke my bussa\'!


I just snapped my new chain doing a cold second gear burnout-Had to push my bike
home and am stuck on a ducati 900m with no spare master link to fix the bus. I feel
like iv been robed. I need sympathy. Help!

Los Angeles
..you be lucky that aldatbroke! You check chain enuff? wuz it loose? dem things stretch a lot on these bikes, they tell me...did the chain fuk up anything when it broke? with this and some of the other posts I'm getting a little paranoid about this...how many miles on chain? How much burning out you do? I don't do much of that stuff because I want the sucker "all there" when some serious road crime goes down...don't wanna toss a chain at "No One" or anything during a moment of truth!
You finally did it, huh? Hopefully you weren't that far away from home. Just wipe out those cob webs off the Monster. What chain are you going to get now?
Jeeez, dood...sorry to hear that. I was gonna invite you to a ride last weekend too ;-P. Makes me wonder about my own chain...but then again, I don't ride that hard.

I sure hope you replaced those sprockets too....
I thougt the same as dirty pete !!!
glad youre oke :)
take care duc next time ,you only live ones!!
KrissDucmanic...when I saw your title for this thread I figured you were on your back covered in bandages in the Scream Ward of your local hospital and your Busa was on its way to the scrapyard.

Glad you're OK.
The chain was a brand new top of the line 530 "O" ring chain. It broke the rivit link, The old chain is long gone in the trash. I did do a few block long burnouts on it. Next time i will rivit the good time out of it. Just need another DID530Xvm rivit link. I check the chain tension every time i get on the bike so it wasnt that. I think the cases are ok as there was no metal on the ground like there was on the other bike-