I can't believe I own A BUSA!!!!

i know what you mean...
i still stare at mine when i walk past it- tripped up the stairs one day...
yea, i remember back in high school, a hayabusa was the holy grail of speed. still is, really.

stop it your making me feel old:poke:, high school...when the busa came out good grief...:thumbsup:
If you actually ride your bike, you will regret the billet grips and shorty pipes.
I still remember when the 99's came out. I like every 19 year old boy was drooling over them. Over the years I've seen them on the street and have always been in awe!!! Matter of fact just up until April of this year I saw one on a trailer on the highway and followed the guy 3 exits past my exit. It JUST FREAKING DAWNED ON ME....I OWN A FREAKING HAYABUSA!!! Freaking A!!!:cheerleader:

When i got my 08 i was so happy i almost cried:whistle:........shows my manly side.

O man love that feeling!! I live in DC and i ride around town and a tourist ot two will allways stop me and want a few pics and i still cant belive they want my bike on the same mem stick as all the wonderful sites here to see.


this is my second one and i still find myself giggling going down the road hehehe i got a busa :rofl:

I use it as a chair when i'm in the garage bs'n with friends or on the phone:thumbsup: